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*Hotch's POV*

I watch from the couch as Zero makes their way to the front door, Bowser following close behind them. The look on their face gave it all away, they knew exactly who was at the door. And they are not happy about it. 

This isn't good.

I decide that it's probably best that I listen in a little, just in case something happens and get up to grab the ice cream. I go to sit back on the couch when I hear Zero laugh and Bowser bark. 


I put the ice cream on the coffee table in front of me and start to make my way down the hallway to see what's going on and as I get closer, I can hear more of what Zero is saying.

"If you wanted to see your daughter, you should've gone to her grave. Or did you forget that she's dead because you're drunk off your ass again?


*Dorosh's POV*

I swing the door open, furious. "What the fuck are you doing here? Actually, better question. How in the hell did you get my address this time?" I cross my arms over my chest as Bowser snarls at the man at my door. I look him up and down in disgust.

"What? Can a father not come to see his daughter?" He slurs his words a little.

Fucking of course he's drunk.

I laugh at him and Bowser barks. "If you wanted to see your daughter, you should've gone to her grave. Or did you forget that she's dead because you're drunk of your ass again?"

"I know that Natalya is dead, Viktoriya. I came to see you, sweetheart." He smiles at me and tries to hug me, stepping towards me and into the house. I put my hand on his chest and lightly shove him back through the door, Bowser snarling at him and taking his place in front of me. I hear Hotch's footsteps as he comes down the hallway towards us.

"Is there a problem Zero?" He asks sternly and places a comforting hand on my shoulder. I relax slightly at his touch.

"No. Illya was just leaving to go sleep off all the booze he's had." 

"Now, Vikky is that any way to treat your father?" He pouts, feigning hurt and I frown at him.

"Get out Illya. You're not welcome here." Bowser growls and barks at him again.

"No. I came here to see my daughter, so that is what I'll do!" He starts to get angry now and raises his voice.

I'm about to speak when Hotch moves in front of me. "Look, I don't know who you are, but Zero has asked you to leave and I suggest that you listen." Hotch crosses his arms over his chest and takes a step forward, standing mere inches in front of Illya, glaring down at him.

"Yeah? And how are you going to make me do that, boy? I'm here to see my daughter, not you." Illya glares right back at Hotch.

"Well, you can either comply with their request or I can arrest you for driving while intoxicated, trespassing and harassment of a federal agent," Hotch states simply, shrugging. "The harassment alone is a 10-year sentence, plus up to 6 months for the trespassing and then finally have your licence suspended for at least 12 months for driving drunk. So, if you don't want to end up in jail I suggest you leave."

"I'll be seeing you, Vikky." Illya wryly smiles and turns around.

Hotch grabs him by the shoulder, fuming, spinning him back around and leaning in slightly. "Their name is Zero. You will refer to them as such and stop misgendering them or there will be hell to pay, I'll see to it myself. Refer to them with the correct name and pronouns or do not refer to them at all." Illya just shrugs of Hotch's hand and walks calmly back to his car.

BloodHound | 18+ Aaron Hotchner x OC | Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now