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TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of sexual assault.

*Hotch's POV*

"The UnSubs we are looking for are a couple. Now, the man in the relationship most likely has a history of sexual violence. He started with stalking, then moved his way up to assault and rape." Morgan explains, starting off the profile for the officers gathered in the bullpen.

I continue from Morgan, "And that violent streak ended temporarily when he found his wife. For the first years of their marriage, she submitted to his torture."

"Look for wives who came into the ER repeatedly and with obvious signs of spousal abuse. But you are going to have to go back about five years." Prentiss adds on before Reid takes over.

"That's because, around the time of the first abduction, the visits stopped. A sexual sadist can't find satisfaction from a willing participant. He eventually got to a place where he couldn't escalate his violence against her without killing her, so she made him a deal," Dorosh adds.

"He gets to kidnap, rape, and kill each of the runaways, and she gets to keep the children." I elaborate.

"She's been giving the victims a series of prescription prenatal drugs, so you're gonna want to look at obstetric fields. Think nurses, OBs." Prentiss explains.

"The wife needs these children. At first, they were the lifeline that kept her alive. As long as he had other targets for his abuse, she avoided his rage." Rossi reveals and one of the detectives raises his hand.

"So if these children protect her from abuse, why is she putting them up for adoption?"

I chime in, "We believe the UnSubs wants children who resemble them physically, who no one would question as their own."

"All of the runaways have been blonde, which means the UnSub may be as well." Reid begins, "But the first child we found in the system was a brunette."

"Whatever the physical characteristic, the colour of the eyes, the skin type, if the baby doesn't have it, he or she ends up in the foster care system,"  Rossi adds.

"Wives of sexual sadists need outlets as a denial mechanism to cope with what their partners are doing. And motherhood, especially taking care of a helpless infant, is this woman's way of coping." Dorosh wraps up the profile.


*Dorosh's POV*

"What's this?" Rossi asks Reid as we walk over to him.

"It's the pattern I've been looking for. The UnSubs hid their tracks with the mothers, but they weren't so careful with eh abandoned babies."

I cross my arms over my chest, "Did you find more children?"

"DNA-wise, no, but deductively, yes," Reid answers, turning around to face us. "I gathered all the records for all the infants who entered into foster care in a two-week window after each mother's death. Then I narrowed it down to babies that were abandoned at churches. This is where the guesswork begins. Monica Winmar's daughter was abandoned at a Presbyterian church. Let's assume the UnSub, or the wife, at least, is Presbyterian. That means all unwanted children are going to be left at the same denomination, right?" He pauses and walks over to a map on the board, pointing at yellow pins with a sharpie. "That narrows it down to three babies, left at three different Presbyterian churches, all within this 20-mile radius." He connects the pins in a triangle shape with the sharpie before turning to look at Rossi and me. "This is where they live."

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