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TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of sexual assault.

*Hotch's POV*

I wake up to light hitting my face as my curtains are opened by someone.



I open my eyes and blink a bit, waiting for my eyes to focus as I try to take in the figure in front of me.

"Rise 'n' shine Princess! Up an' at 'em, c'mon. We don't have all day, Bossman." Of course, that accent can only belong to one person. Dorosh. They're standing at the foot of my bed with a grin on their face, dark circles under their eyes now more prominent.

"Alright, alright! I'm up. How did you even get in here?" I sigh, sitting up in my bed. I give them a small, tired smile before I'm hit in the face with something. I hear Dorosh laughing as they begin to walk to the door, it's only now that I notice Dave standing to the right of where Zero is.

They high five Rossi, still laughing a little. "Rossi let me in. Nice shot, by the way, remind me to get you on my team when we have group pillow fights." They turn around and wave at me before leaving and closing the door to my hotel room.

"We gotta go Sleeping Beauty. Don't wanna be late." Rossi says before making his own way to the door. 

"Dave, why?" I stop him and he turns around, a cheeky smile on his face.

"Why what?" He says, feigning innocence.

"Why did you let them in at-" I pick up my phone from the bedside table to check the time, "-7:30 in the morning? Jeez, do they even sleep? We only got back a few hours ago and by the looks of it, they've been up for at least an hour. I mean, they were already dressed, they had time to wash their hair and put makeup on. Unless Zero is some sort of machine, they've been up for a while already."

"How did you know they washed their hair?" Rossi raises an eyebrow at me, a smirk pulling at his lips.

"I could smell it. They don't usually smell like watermelon and strawberries, they usually smell like cherry blossoms. Plus their hair was still wet." I state, a matter of fact. Rossi just chuckles, shaking his head at me.

"You know Aaron if you keep saying things like that, I might just start to think that you like them." He turns and walks out before I have a chance to respond. I sigh and throw the covers off myself and trudge to the bathroom to get ready.


I walk into the parking lot and see Dorosh standing by the last SUV, earphones in, phone and energy drink in hand. They look up at me as I approach the car and smile at me, taking out one of their earphones.

"Mornin' Bossman. Hope we didn't give you too much of a fright, princess." They chuckle, opening their door and I walk around to the back passenger side door, throwing in my duffel bag with theirs. I then open the passenger door, getting in. 

"Mind if we stop for coffee? I haven't had mine yet, the coffee at the station is horrendous and I'm not fond of the coffee from the cafe nearby either." I hear Dorosh laugh and they reach down to the centre console and pick up a tall travel mug, handing it to me.

"Already covered Bossman. Just how you like it, too. Triple-shot espresso, no milk, one sugar." I take it from them and chuckle.

"Might have to make you my assistant at this rate, Dorosh," I joke and take a sip of the coffee in my hands. I hum in response, surprised by its impeccable taste. "Where did you get this? It's the best coffee I've ever had."

BloodHound | 18+ Aaron Hotchner x OC | Criminal Minds FanficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt