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You ran towards the park and sat on a bench infront of the lake..

Clouds stopped crying by now but not you.Tears were still running down your Bambi eyes..

You looked up at the stars they looked so beautiful but you weren't in the mood to admire them..

Tears denied to stay in your eyes and were running down your puffy cheeks,your mind was somewhere else but soon it came back to it's senses when.....

"umm..hey excuse me!..?"

You looked up to see a unknown tall guy standing beside you who had his hand stretched towards you..

You looked down at his hand which held a napkin,he moved it towards you to take it which you did..

"Thanks" you said and moved to the side sparing some place for him to sit.. 

He didn't look like a creep nor a kidnapper.he looked good enough to earn your trust..

Slowly sitting down beside you making sure there is some distance between you two,he cleared his throat before speaking..

"Are you ok..?" He glanced at you before averting his gaze towards the lake which was glistening because of the moon light..

You stayed silent as you didn't have the courage to lie and say you are fine because you aren't..

"You know you could share it if you want.." he wasn't looking at you but you know the guy was worried by the way You looked..

Messy hair,puffy eyes,red nose, smudged mascara,clothes drenched.You looked like a mess..

A complete mess.

"It wouldn't lessen your pain but atleast you could talk it out to make your heart feel a little lighter...only if you are ok with it"

You contemplated to open up to him but soon gave in.

"I saw my boyfriend with his ex" he turned his head towards you nodding..

"I saw him hugging her and I just couldn't—i was like you know—overwhelmed" You let out as he nodded..

"Were you crying because he hugged her...?" He spoke looking directly into your eyes.

How do you answer this because yes, technically you are crying because he hugged her but not only that..

You nodded before speaking..

"Yes,but no I was crying because he left me alone to meet her." You sniffed as you spoke..

"Ok but still you both are together and didn't broke up yet so why crying.." he looked at you and spoke in a causal manner which made you shoot a glare at him..

"I'm afraid that we will soon!" You literally shouted on his face..

"Ok ok I'm sorry" he chuckled but suddenly turned serious and continued..

"And how are you so sure that you will break up...!?"

"Idk I just—he always makes me doubt our relationship because at the start of our relationship I felt like he was forcing himself in this relationship.." you continued

"There were times he talked about his ex and today he just—....." Silence. you couldn't talk anymore as the scene of taehyung hugging his ex is still fresh in your mind...

"Did you hear them talking..?" The unknown guy beside you asked to which you just shook your head as a no..

"You just saw them hugging and assumed things am I right..?"

"Tell me one thing you are still unsure about your partner aren't you...!?"

You can't help but nod at it each and every question he threw at you..

"Do you think he is still forcing himself...!?" You couldn't answer this because you don't know.

It's the same question that has been bothering you.

Simply shrugging your shoulders you averted your gaze back to the lake..

"Well,don't jump into your own conclusions,just talk about it with him maybe it wasn't what you think it is..maybe..?" He continued

"If you wanna take time to confront him then take it or else wait until he opens up by himself maybe he needs time too..just wait until it's time everything will be ok" he gave you a assuring smile which somehow melted you...

His words somehow really comforted you and lightened your heart,this unknown guy really has something within him..

"You are giving me hopes if anything goes wrong I'll feed you to those fishes in that lake" you said pointing at the lake while looking at him but he just chuckled nodding his head...

Perfect boyfriend ✔️ |K.TH|Where stories live. Discover now