"Why can't anyone just listen to me- FOR ONCE!"

She slams her giant hands into a small palanquin in the center, at the same time the dome on the ceiling cracks


She cold only her her ruby guards words 'My spinel!' as the dome pieces were falling towards her




She ran throguh the halls


Blue Diamond - Spinel? What's the matter?

Spinel - G-guys-S-something went terribly wrong!

She says as she shows what's in her hands...

...the gems of the guards that protected her, shattered and cracked into pieces

"No no no no no no"

Why didn't they run...

N-no why didn't I ...

I'm so sorry...

No no no this can't be real-

How could I let this happen-

All these words and whispers came from Spinel who was crying and mumbling

All while in palms of Blue Diamond who was worried as was Yellow

Yellow Diamond - Blue, can't you do anything to make her feel better?

Blue Diamond - I've tried, but nothing is working!

A thrid diamond came to them as well, bewildered at what has occured

White - What is this I hear that a gem has been shattered on homeworld?...

She sees Spinel

...More importantly is Spinel alright?!"

Yellow - She's shaken. Two of Spinel's Ruby's have been cracked . One of them shattered.

White - What? How?

Blue - We aren't sure yet ...she hasn't spoken about what happened...

White - This is terrible! How is Spinel going to be safe dring the ball if her guards have been harmed?!

Yellow stadns up asking Blue to leave for now

Yellow - Blue I'd like to have a word with White.

Blue - Oh?

Yellow - ...alone

Blue did as she asked

Blue - Come with me little one, lets play another game. Maybe that will make you feel better.

Spinel said nothing, still holding Blue's finger in tears as they head to the doorway

White - Is something the matter Yellow? Why did you want them to leave?
Yellow - ... I may have the suspicion that is actually was Spinel.

White - Done what?

Yellow - Broke the rubies.

White -...What...? What thoughts did you even had to come to that assumption about our Stardust?

Yellow - They're not brittle gems White, they're built to be strong guards.

White - She behaves so well with us, listens to every word we say-

She remembers Spinel's behaviors and didn't see anything out of ordianary

"...-And now you think she is a shatterer who destroyed her own loyal and beloved ruby guards?"

Yellow - I sent Peridot untis to investigate. Their robonoids found no force entry possible the outside of the garden. No tracks. Nothing. Whatever attacked the rubies had the opportunity to shatter Spinel...So why didn't they? The rubies were out of form, but then the attacker decided to leave Spinel unharmed? Doesn't that seem slightly suspicious?

White - Of course not! The poor stardust must have feared for her life and barely escaped. Obviously this is a some kind of mockery at us by the rebel gems!

The rebel gems in question ahve been popping out lately, and they were not crystal gems. These gems had a grudge agasnt Steven's new era 3. Luckily they don't pose a huge threat yet but it maybe a matter of time.

White - Her rubies have done their duty to protect Spinel from the gem that had attempted to shatter !

Yellow - But White don't you think we should at last consider that opt-

White - I've had enough of this Yellow. I can't even believe our little gem can commit such violence...

...But regardless, we must focus on her safety, we should aslo keep a closer eye on her. You can repair the rubies right? Shttered or Cracked?"

Yellow - of course, shattered or damaged, I can bring them back as long as I have most of the pieces. I'll assemble them as quick as I can.

White - Good. Whatever gem is out there, they'll be back at another attempt...So Spinel will need gem units to guard her when her rubies can't.

Yellow - Like...an elite guard unit?

White - Precisely! Stronger more efficient gems like Quartzes. I'll notify Steven immediately, I'm sure he can convince some gems to come to homeworld!

Yellow - Actually ... I'll notify Steven myself.

White - Oh you have somone in mind.

Yellow - I do, I know the perfect gem that I would like to request for him to bring.




On earth

Steven is desperately running in the rain, with tears coming out of his eyes and with a shattered gem pieces in his pocket

Surprise! I thought of implementing Diamond Spinel in my story. Of coruse this is not the same story since there are few changes in here with additional characters and all.

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