"Well, I mean. It's kinda too late to just go back and talk through it then. Besides...I didn't have anybody at the time so..." She shook her head. "I mean now, too. You're stressed, so...you wanna talk through it?" She gave a shy smile as she reached for a clipboard and pen.

Charlie's words resonated with you, of course, but wouldn't telling her be putting her in danger? Sure, she may be the princess of hell, but would you risk the chance to harm someone like her? You decided against it. You couldn't. Charlie had the hotel to focus on, and you were positive that she had some things she needed to deal with, too.

"...No. I'm fine. I just need to rest on it. It's nothing much. I'm sure it's, uh...culture shock."

She seemed unconvinced but smiled anyway, brushing her hair to the side as she ushered you out of the office. "We made progress with your schedule! I have really high hopes for you, Y/N! Also, remember, if you need to talk, come to me, K?" She waved excitedly as you walked down the hall towards the Hotel lobby. "See you later!" She called out, before shutting the door behind her.

You sigh. Now what?


You swiftly turned your head, surprised to see the drunkard receptionist calling out to you. He silently waved you over, to which you obliged, subconsciously appreciative that you now had something to keep your mind. You take a seat on one of the bar stools, watching as the old man turned cat reached under the bar. He wordlessly slid a bottle of cheap booze your way, top already off.

"Why...are you giving me this?" Despite barely communicating with the guy, he wasn't necessarily angry with you as he was with the others. He offered you half-assed nods of greeting whenever you passed by each other, and when he DID talk to you, it was usually compliments worded in a way that could be taken potentially as an insult. Like that one time when he saw what you wearing and said "at least it isn't as shit as the other clothes I've seen." This was still weird.

He rolled his eyes and went to grab another bottle. "It helps." He muttered, before taking a long swig. You tilted your head.

"Helps...with WHAT exactly?" You questioned. He seemed a bit annoyed by the question, but took a longer swig at the contents of his bottle and went to get another bottle from beneath the counter. "Kid. You're easy to read. Maybe it's 'cause I'm old. Doesn't really matter-" He grunted as the sound of glass clinking could be heard from where you sat.  He came back up, holding two new bottles of cheap booze. "-But you're stressed. And what helps me relax is gettin' drunk."

"That sounds like really bad advice coming from the receptionist of a rehabilitation hotel, doesn't it?" You joke, bottle now in hand. Admittedly, you have tried drinking once, maybe it was WHAT you were drinking, but the experience wasn't great at all.

"Well, right now, I'm the bartender. Not the receptionist."

"But the bartender of a rehab hotel." You pointed out.

"Why would put a bar in a place where you're supposed to make better choices? It's not my problem."

"Ooh...touche." You peered inside the cheap booze bottle, looking at the acidic-looking drink. You could already taste the bitterness from your previous experience, biting and nipping at the back of your throat as you drank. You felt yourself wince at the thought.

He slid a tiny shot glass towards you, taking the bottle and pouring the contents into it. "Try it. It's one of the weaker ones, so if you don't like it, I'll just drink." You bit your bottom lip with uncertainty.

"I mean, I still gotta make an effort to uh...better myself...And I didn't die 21." Husk stares at you with a deadpan expression. "Kid. You aren't gonna get any older. It's hell, nobody fucking cares." You sighed, took the glass, and shook the drink around in its confinements. Finally deciding that you had nothing to lose, you quickly brought the shot glass to your lips and chugged it down quickly.

Taste-wise, it was somewhat familiar. That same bitterness from the drink you had a while ago had hit your tongue the hardest, causing you to wince at the taste, but it had a twinge of something fruity. It wasn't very strong, but it somewhat helped to ease the flavor. Your throat was a whole entire story. It felt uncomfortable, and you began a coughing fit as the full effects seemed to kick in.

Clawed paws (?) harshly patted (I searched up if this was a word. Still doesn't sound right but I'm trusting Google here) your back, the owner of said paws chuckling at your reaction. You swiftly turn, hands still covering your mouth as you occasionally let out a cough. Husker sat on the stool beside you, bottle in hand, sending you a mischievous smirk.

"All of that over one shot? Pussy." He absentmindedly gulped some of his drink. 

"Says you, cat boy!" You playfully glare at the man, who now had his attention to you. He raised an eyebrow.

"Don't think you'll be sayin' that when you see how crazy I can be in the bedroom." He nonchalantly spoke, making you choke on your spit as you looked at the avian cat demon. You sputtered out nonsensical sentences as your mind buffered.

He laughed at your response, nudging your shoulder playfully. "I'm joking, kid. You're too easy."
You groaned but laughed along.

Things went quiet for a little bit after that, save for Husk offering you another shot and you blindly accepting the offer, but there wasn't much conversation. That was until Husk broke the ice.

"So...Angel, huh?"
Your eyes widen.

"Not sure if that's what's stressing you out, but if it is, then stop. It isn't worth it." He switched to his 3rd bottle of cheap booze, popping off the lid and drinking.

You bit your lip before continuing. "Stop what?"

He drank a bit more before putting the bottle back down. "Stop worrying. And stop hiding it. Every second you don't tell him, it's a second that he could have been using to hook up with some other schmuck. Like I said, it isn't worth it." He groaned, now rising up to his feet. His stretched, bones popping as they fell right into place. He grabbed the now empty bottles and tossed them into a nearby bin, before walking off to the elevator. 

"...Night." He muttered, before walking in and pressing a button. The doors closed, leaving you alone in the deserted bar.

Hazbin Trivia:

- Husker sees you as the most tolerable person in the Hotel. The others are usually very loud personalities, excluding Vaggie, but she scolds him a lot which annoys Husk. You're more on the quieter side, and you respect others' boundaries, so he appreciates that and finds you good company.

-He was somewhat drunk almost the entirety of the conversation, but I can see that being drunk just makes him more approachable. So if he says something and doesn't tell you he's kidding, he's telling the truth.

-Niffty witnessed the entire thing between you and Husk but doesn't understand it's purely platonic, so she might be shipping you two right now. 

-Vaggie is very worried about you, but is a bit closed off and doesn't know how to word this properly. She was very perceptive and saw the way Alastor has been behaving. She knows what's up.

-Angel was actually petting your hair that one time when you were both in the same bed. He secretly enjoyed the feeling of it.

-Fat Nuggets is familiar with your presence, and really loves you.

-Cherri Bomb hasn't gotten around to doing it, but she really is thankful to you for helping Angel during one of his depressive episodes.

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