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The alarm clock rang waking Maya and she sluggishly got out of bed to prepare for work. There was a general lack on zeal she felt on Mondays that seemed to put her off balance while starting the week. The good thing was, by the time she reached noon she would be bustling with energy and determination.

Maya Vasquez was able to get into Vogue Brazil after winning a competition hosted by the renowned Company on articles at the age of twenty three. Though she was a junior staff, her work spoke for her in places she never deemed fit and the job provided her with a means of livelihood for her son Diego who was well over two years hold and mum Maria Vasquez.

She stood tall at 5'8" with long blond wavy hair and was beautiful but somewhere along the line, she had some insecurities when she joined Vogue. By the time she had spent a year in their Rio office, she had come out of her shell and made many good friends and acquaintances. Her closest friends were Jeanie and Lucia who constantly encouraged her and they were the only people who knew she had a son though Maya never revealed who his father was.

"Mae", Maya called out to her mum while she hurriedly picked up her laptop bag and handbag. She didn't want to be late today like she was last week especially when she got yelled at by her supervisor Mrs. Joaquin. She has put on a three-quarter length purple fitted gown and matched them with black pair of pumps and bag.

"Maya, Diego is still sleeping, remember it took him a long time to sleep and eventually fell asleep at 12am" the older woman said to her.

"Me perdoe, I'm sorry", she replied to her mother and displayed a sad face while Maria nodded back. Maya's mother had been a rock through her entire life and she just wished she could show much more appreciation for everything the woman had done for her. She walked over to where she was in their two bedroom flat and gave her a long and tight hug eventually pecking her on her cheeks before she prepared to leave for work and join the 7:15am bus.

"I love you mãe", she said to her as she stepped out of the door.

"Love you too minha querida", she replied and waved her off.


Maya arrived the office ten minutes earlier than their scheduled resumption and quickly set up her work tools. Her office was always buzzing especially with the amount of celebrities that constantly walked in for meetings with their overall manager but because she was a junior staff, she never got the opportunity to meet them in person. The news about any celebrity that came to their building constantly filtered the air and intrigued her initially but over time she seemed to care less about them and focused more on her work. Today was no different from the others as Kylie Minogue was currently in the building in talks with their Director, Donata Mereilles over her upcoming shoot for Vogue Brazil.

Maya was so good at writing fashion articles to the extent some of her superiors would meet her to proof read theirs before they were approved and published. Sometimes, they would give her articles to write without even crediting her but she never complained. Over time Jeanie and Lucia were worried she was over worked and under paid but she chose to continue till she found a better place. She believed it won't take time because she had Vogue Brazil on her resume so she endeavored to add more experience to boost it up.

 She believed it won't take time because she had Vogue Brazil on her resume so she endeavored to add more experience to boost it up

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