Chapter 21 | Pain Isn't The Sole Reminder That You're Alive

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But, this wasn't the right time. Hermione needed us, all of us. And I didn't want to be selfish and keep Ana to myself, even though my lips craved for her touch, to feel her on my skin as she left her marks on my back. Those were the sole reminder that she and I were together, as one.

"How's Hermione?" Adriana asked, speaking quietly as she leaned against the counter, her hair falling by her sides

"Quiet. She hasn't said a word, or stepped out the room." I answered, dimming the gas as I turned to face her

This restless grew inside me, threatening to consume me whole whenever I was away from Ana. What if she ended up like Jenna? What if I came home to her one day and found her dead? I had only been with her for a few weeks, and the thought of her being murdered was imprinted in my mind.

"Ana?" I murmured, looking down at her as my tall body towered over her short one

She stood tall on her feet, straightening her posture as her head went up to my shoulder because of her heels, her hands folded behind her back as she looked at me with confusion dripping from her beautiful face.

"I love you." I confessed once again

A small smile appeared on her pink lips, her eyes sparkling like the bright stars in the black sky. I couldn't lose her. I didn't want to. I was going to do everything I could to keep her alive, even if it meant me dying.

"You've already told me that." She laughed, stepping forward on her feet until we were inches apart

I slightly bent down, sliding my hands to the sides of her neck, the pad of my thumb caressing her smooth, soft skin as I brushed my lips against her ones. Her strong scent of vanilla engulfed my senses, my hand in her hair and the other now around her waist, my body moving on its own as I pushed her against the counter.

It was gone. The feeling was gone. The urge to rip off her clothes, making love to her was gone, buried deep inside. It wasn't just about having sex with her or making her scream out loud, it was about love. I wanted to love her.

Her fingers slid to the nape of my neck, her chest glued to mine as her breath stopped, my senses mixing up as I passionately kissed her, the heat between us growing. A current ran up and down my body, a tingling sensation forming beneath her soft touch as I savoured her.

"Aiden." She panted, moaning out my name in between the deep breaths she took

I refused to kiss her his time, resting my forehead against her one, her sweet breath hitting my lips as we shut our eyes tight, letting all our other senses heighten. I felt her fingers grasping the collar of my cotton jacket, the other hand on my forearm, on my skin revealed from my rolled-up sleeve.

"I'm just scared." I confessed, my voice shaky as I spoke quietly, careful to not let the others hear

"I don't want to come home and find you dead."

She drew her breath, her eyes opening and meeting with mine as I felt myself get lost in them. I couldn't lose her. I couldn't lose the person who saved me. I couldn't lose the person who I loved the most in the world.

"Is this what this is about?" She smirked, much to my disbelief

"Because I'm a lot stronger than I look, Mr Sullivan."

Her smile was bright, full of happiness as I stood there admiring, adoring the woman standing in front of me as I held her in my embrace. I didn't want this to end. I didn't want us to end up like Hermione and Jenna.

"Aiden?" She called out

"The pasta."

I blinked, taking a peek at the pot as I smelled a burning stench enveloping us. The pasta had burnt. I quickly took my hands off of Ana, grabbing the wooden spoon before cursing under my breath, struggling to scrape the burnt bits off the pot.

Empire of Eternals (Book 1 of The Eternal Series) ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ