Chapter - 2

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"Miss Aana Watson." My interviewee called me by my fake name, which I stated in my resume to conceal my true identity. 

I swallowed hard before forcing a smile. "Yes..." 

"Why do you want to work at this restaurant?" He asked, and stared into my eyes. 

Uncertainty gripped my chest as I struggled to maintain eye contact. If he discovered the truth, what would I do? Scott had shut down every path that could help me and my family. He wanted us to see him dying miserably. I had known he would come to avenge his brother, but I never expected that he would become this heartless. The entire city of Boston was under him. Everyone knew who he was, and they all wanted to get a glimpse of him. Every restaurant, bar, and shop had been ordered not to hire me. 

Two days ago, my sister lost her bartending job, so I wasn't sure if this cruelty is also happening to her. Scott Martinez wanted us to beg for mercy on his feet, which is something I would never, ever do. 

"Miss Watson..." my employer-to-be snapped his fingers in front of my face to capture my attention. "Where are you?" 

"Umm..." clearing my throat, I straightened my back against the chair. "Actually, this restaurant is nearest to my home, and also this is one of my grandma's favorites." I examined the classic look of the restaurant, large oak wood tables, and ancient pictures of men and women sticking into each corner of the room. The restaurant was cozy and comfortable. 

Curious, he asked, "How old is your grandma?". 

"Seventy-six." I smiled and thanked my granny, who had told me about this restaurant when I was a kid. 

He nodded and flicked through the pages of the document in front of him, seemingly uninterested. "We specifically designed this restaurant for our senior citizens who like to spend their time here. Most of the servers quit this job because they can't deal with the passivity and laziness of older people." He leaned forward, looking right into my eyes. "Miss Watson, are you comfortable dealing with these people? You may require a lot of patience." 

"I'm comfortable, Mr. John," I said quickly. "I'm more than comfortable, sir."

"Good. You can start from tomorrow," he said with a sincere smile and I sighed in relief. 

"Thank you, sir... Thank you so much." I jumped in excitement. 

"You're welcome, Miss Watson." He looked charming when a grin appeared across his young face. "I look forward to working with you."

I nodded and grabbed my handbag before rising from my seat. Giving him the last smile, I walked out of his office. My heart was floating with happiness and hope. Now, I have a job with good pay and it is far away from the city. Scott would never find my whereabouts and additionally, I disguised myself with a red wig and lenses. I hadn't put on my rounded glasses. 

I smiled while heading towards the bakery to get some doughnuts and chocolate cookies, my siblings' favorite. Clutching my handbag against my chest, I was dreaming about the future. My dream would only come true when I was able to provide a good life for my family. I was the older one and it was my responsibility to avail them of everything they wanted.

A sudden gasp escaped my lips when mud splashed across my face. Wiping brown substance from my neck, I looked at a white sports car, halting right in front of me. It didn't take a second as a heavy crowd gathered around the car. My eyes went round when Scott Martinez got out of the car.

"Sir..." Paparazzi begged for his one glimpse. 

"Oh my god, Scott Martinez!" Two women huffed in disbelief. Their expressions were as if they had seen a lion walking on two legs. 

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