pt 3: b l i n g b l i n g 🤍

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You were laying in bed on your phone, scrolling through instagram.

"OW- fucking hell" you yelled as your phone dropped on your face.

You groan and look up at your ceiling, remembering what javon said. "Yeah, Are you okay Y/N" with that weird smirk he gave you. You had to admit, he was cute. But he was VERY annoying. Although, he has been on your mind all day. His brown eyes, slightly plumped lips, and the most attractive thing about him was that eyebrow slit-

Damn that eyebrow slit gave you butterflies. You stopped thinking about all of that once you heard your Grandmother walking in. You, your grandmother and your mother had been living with each other for about 5 years. Moving from place to place together and sharing that family love with eachother. You sat up and came out of your bed to see if she needed help with something.

"Sweetie.." she spoke in her sweet raspy voice. "there's two handsome young boys waiting at the door for you." she said smiling and winking at you.

"Grandma please" you said and giggled. Walking downstairs, you saw Javon, with his twin brother.

you're eyes widen, and you slammed the door in their face. "SHIT" you yelled and quickly ran upstairs, while running you told your grandmother, "GRANDMA, DISTRACT THOSE TWO IM JUST GONNA GET PAMPERED UP A LITTLE!"

She was confused and walked to the door opening it and smiling, "so um, do you young boys like tea?" she said motioning and signaling them to come in the house.

You were throwing dresses and other types of clothing out of your closet. finally finding a cute outfit, you put it on and started to do your eye makeup. You fixed your hair a bit, sighing before walking downstairs and seeing them in the kitchen table. "Hey." you said softly seeing them look up at you.

"Who the fuck did you get all cute and shit for." said Javon.

"Number one, stop cursing infront of my grandma."

"oh sweetie you know i don't mind, you know back in my day, we use to use fuck this, fuck that everyday till midnight!" she said laughing.

you laughed, "and number two, why do you care who I dressed up for." you said giving him a glance.

Jaden spoke, "I think you look nice though."

"Jaden stay out of this." he said hitting his head.

Javon spoke, "Anyway, we came here to invite you to a party." He asked. "Yeah sure!" You smiled and started to get excited "And what else did you wanna ask her Javon?" Jaden asked smirking, crossing his arms. "And i wanted to know if you could be my date..." he said quietly as possible. 

"Sorry? I didn't really catch that." she said laughing. "Holy shit, I asked if you wanted to be my date for the party."

"Okay, okay. sure I will. Grandma, would you mind telling mom that I might come pretty late tonight?"

"of course sweetie! I'll see you kids later!" she said hugging her granddaughter.

{Javon's house}

"Alright can I get dressed in your bathroom?" You asked, he nodded and you walked in the bathroom, placing your makeup bag on the counter. You started putting on some proper makeup. The dress you were wearing was actually for Javon when you were at the house. You looked like a hot mess so you needed to get changed ASAP.
After putting on your makeup, you walked out and showed Javon.

"So, how do i look?"

to be continued....

594 words😍

his girl. | Javon WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now