Chapter 2

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Thon and Dion stood by the front of the village and looked at the soldiers with their helmets and swords, who were coming into the village. The words of their grandfather were for now forgotten. They just gazed at the shiny armour and thought about battles and glory.

But Aresa, who was busy working in the garden, did not forget. She was angry at the soldiers, for coming into her village, and she did not receive them in songs and dances like the other women and girls from Varje.

Aresa spent most of her time hunting with Thon, or learning new things from Sinnek. She and Thon both didn't have friends like Dion. People in the village said that Sinnek and
his grandchildren where strange, but they respected Sinnek, because he knew many herbs and treatments for sick people.

The people of the village were very excited and had even prepared a feast for the soldiers. The village people came from all over the village to greet the soldiers. They sang and
were happy, they were sure that now everything would be well.

Some of the older men in the village were not so happy. They asked among themselves how these soldiers could protect them from the dragons. The soldiers looked young and inexperienced, and there had been only one human in all history who had killed a dragon, while the Dragon Hunters had killed countless dragons. The older men of the village sighed and went on with their work. Their sons would want to go off and be soldiers. They would leave the farms and go off on the look for adventures, leaving the women and old men
to look after the farms. The soldiers would probably only bring more trouble to the village then there already was.

Sinnek sat in his house and looked at the passing soldiers. One stopped at the garden were Aresa was busy working, but she went on working and ignored him. When the soldier had gone she came into the house and asked, “Grandfather, what are we going to do? Thon wants to be a soldier. He already seems to have forgotten your words. What will we do if he goes? Dion also wants to go. We must prevent them from
going. But how?”

“Everything will only get worse. The dragons will only get bolder. It will get worse and worse,” Sinnek murmured, not seeming to hear Aresa.

“What can we do about that?” asked Aresa.

“Something. Maybe. Go get Thon and Dion so we can eat.”

When they had finished eating, Thon went out and Dion followed him. They went to the inn, because that was where all the soldiers were. Many of the townspeople were at the inn, and there was a wild feast going on. At least for Thon and Dion's standards.
They drank beer and listened to the soldiers talking. Sinnek had strictly forbidden them to drink, but everybody drank, and of course they then drank also. They had not been there very long when Aresa came into the inn and they immediately
knew she was looking for them. They ducked behind a group of laughing soldiers were Aresa could not see them.

Aresa was not happy at being sent to call Thon and Dion. Where were they? They were probably hiding from her.

Hating the place more with every step she took, she walked past a group of drunken soldiers who were sitting with a big unhappy looking farmer. One middle-aged drunken soldier
with a short, dirty beard laughed, “Don't worry, we are here to
protect you. You don't need to be afraid.” All the nearby soldiers laughed drunkenly.

“Well, how will you prevent dragons from burning down my fields? How are you going to fight them?” The farmer asked sceptically.

“We don't need to fight them.” Then the drunken soldier with the short beard said in a loud whisper, “The king will go and meet the leader of the dragons on the Festival of Youth. I
have heard that he can talk to dragons. He is going to make a
deal with their leader. Then the dragons won't attack you any more and you won't have to be afraid.” All the soldiers laughed even more, and the farmer stood up and walked
away to get more beer.

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