Chapter 36

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There is something
about falling in love with a beautiful mind
that makes me
crave their skin.
As if gripping onto
the back of his shoulders
whilst my body is
pressed beneath his
is all I've left to save me
from drowning.

And you promised yourself
you would never fall so hard again,
but there he is
making the fall feel like flying

It's happening again,
the wind is whistling
the stars are shifting
aligning as they shine only for us

The curiosity was usually in her first when he started turning in his sleep with his puckered eyebrows. What was he dreaming of? What was it exactly that terrified him so much that he couldn't be in his own body, haunting his sleep?

And what could she do to help?

The turning became hitting and kicking, holes already in the wall beside him from his metal arm. Melora wondered why he kept it close to the wall when he would always punch through it. The words weren't always there.

Sometimes it was pleads, begging for mercy or for someone to save him, for them to stop. Other times, it was names, crying out for help or to remind himself of who they were.

A yawn left her as she pulled the old blanket closer around herself, still in her clothes from the day before as she stood up, the blanket still around her. Maybe it wasn't pushing it anymore. They talked more, acted more like both of them were actually people.

She crossed her feet and sat down as Bucky started throwing his metal arm around himself. With tired eyes, she reached out, lightly running her hand over his cold metal bicep. Whimpers left him instead, tears running down the sides of his face.

Eventually, her fingers were at his wrist, and his arm was still moving but not as much as she pushed his hand down against the mattress. His chest was heaving up and down, gasps still leaving him, but he slowly opened his eyes, looking up at her.

Melora sent him a soft smile, letting go of his arm to go back to the couch, but the arm grabbed her wrist before she could do so. With puckered eyebrows, she met the piercing azure. His eyes were red from the tears, lashes wet and breathing not calm yet.

"Do you want me to stop?" She whispered, referring to the fact she had put his arm down, but he quickly shook his head and lifted up his blanket, making her eyes widen. Did he want her to join him? "Are you sure?"

Bucky slowly nodded and she let go of her own blanket, dropping it as she crawled forward, onto the mattress and underneath his blanket. The heat from his body overtook her immediately along with his scent.

She deeply inhaled, putting her head on the pillow as her nostrils were met with the familiar scent of a fresh forest, like right after rain but only more comforting because of it. Bucky wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her into his body and moving her as if she was weightless.

This was it. There it was again, everything relaxed enough to where she could cry. The feeling of safety, being secure and more than simply comfortable running through her. Right here was where she was supposed to be. This was home.

His metal arm slid underneath the pillow, lifting her head slightly while his legs curved to fit into her and he nuzzled his nose into the back of her head, letting out a hot breath against her neck, causing a shiver to run down her spine.

"I used to call you doll... real or not?" He huskily asked in a grumble, voice reaching every corner of her body and causing her to gulp.

"Very real," she whispered back, making him nod against her and once again pull her closer.

✔𝚨 𝚸𝛐𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 ➳ 𝚩𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝚩𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now