Chapter 3

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Sleep was inaccurate. Melora did not close an eye for many hours. An empty glass of water by her bed while the thoughts were soaring through her mind. Maybe all of it was her fault, she should have done more, tried harder. In the end, perhaps she did come to love Him after all.

Tears came much sooner than sleep. Whether they were for the ones she had left behind or sadness for being at the fault of it. Even if she tried to tell herself to simply put the thoughts of Asgard behind her they always came back.

Spending so many years getting into the habit of thinking a certain way is not something you can simply unlearn. A few minutes could go by where she thought this was not a bad place to be, that perhaps she could do something, earn herself some form of enjoyment.

But the very next second, the pain of knowing she had left her only true purpose behind hit her. This was not something where she could look to books for help. None of the stories she had ever read had a character go through this.

They were always reluctant towards their purpose, pushed towards it by a righteous sense, and in the end, they lived happily ever after. What a lie it was to think reality was anything like those stories.

For a few seconds, she was sure death was coming for her. The room began spinning, and she saw everything flash before her eyes. The beating in her chest was about to make her burst, and she quickly sat up in the bed.

Something must have tricked her mind because, for a second, she was sure that she was not alone in the room, but no one was there. As she shook her head, she ran a hand through her hair and looked about the room, something she had refrained from doing just yet.

Her eyes were quite adept at seeing in the darkness, not as well as they could in daylight, of course, but she was able to make out everything in the room.

It was not a large space, the bed was touching both walls, but she thought there was enough room. There was a window as well, a small one, and as she crawled across the bed and removed the blinds, all she could see was part of a wall and some scaffolding.

Quite the pity that they had decided to build something there. A wilted plant was sitting behind the blinds as well, crookedly leaning on the windowsill. Her fingers automatically reached out, and she gently touched the stem, feeling the dryness of the flower.

A small smile befell her lips, the tears now having dried on her cheeks as she took a hold of the pot and moved the plant down onto the floor, getting down from the bed as well.

With her legs crossed in front of herself, she placed her hands on each side of the plant, hovering just a slight distance from the leaves. It took barely even half of a second for the warmth to appear, and as if going through the seasons within the blink of an eye, it sprouted.

The hollyhock flower blossomed, becoming taller and taller, and she moved her right hand over it. The plants began following the motions of her finger, going around in a circle, clinging against the small stick in the dirt.

Melora had to make sure it could support itself, of course. The plant did give her another idea though, and she was surprised it had not come to her sooner. She put her hand to a part of the dirt still free and focused once more.

A second went by and then the most vibrant nightshade began blossoming. The flowers bloomed and then quickly turned into berries, and that is where she stopped to pluck them instead. She knew exactly how many to eat for her to fall asleep and not something worse.

The various studies she had conducted with Frigga seemed to always show just how useful they had been. Every hour spent in labour always bore fruit. By now she was even able to control the potencies and tastes of the fruits or berries plants produced.

✔𝚨 𝚸𝛐𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 ➳ 𝚩𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝚩𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now