❀chapter eighteen - excuses

Start from the beginning

Armin smiled. "Your Lie in April. It's really good, you should watch it".

"What is it about?" Eren asked.

His friend explained the plot to him. Even though Armin seemed really excited about it, Eren really didn't him watching it.

"...and that's all" Armin finished.

Eren laughed. "I'm sorry. I don't really like romance animes. Someone very special would have to ask me in order to watch it".

The blonde rolled his eyes. "Well, when your future girlfriend convinces you to watch it, I won't be there to talk with you about it".

"No, please!" Eren exclaimed sarcastically, which made both of them to laugh.

End of the flashback.

❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

Why did I remember this now?

He figured out it was because just a few hours he accepted watching that anime with you. At first, he didn't want to, but he saw your eyes full of excitement and your contagious smile, so he couldn't reject your proposal.

He also liked when you commented every single thing that was happening, and how happy you were when you saw that he was interested on the story.

Eren smiled. He was more than happy knowing that you would live with him from now. He missed living with someone.

He remembered how he used to dislike you. Hate was a big word, but could he have been hating you all this time? Anyway, he had his reasons. Pretty significant ones.

But his opinion changed. In that moment, Eren remembered when Mikasa told him you knew all the story. When he told the black-haired girl he didn't like you, when all of this was planned by her at the beginning.

He hadn't felt that bad in years. Guiltiness was the best to describe it.

Eren looked at you again. He saw that your eyebrows were frowned. It was difficult to see it, though, as part of your hair was all over your face.

The boy also noticed your heart started to beat faster, and that you were moving a little, like trying to liberate yourself from something. She's having a nightmare.

He gently brushed your hair from your face. Because of the contact, your expression relaxed, and your heartbeat went slower. Eren smiled, happy that whatever you were thinking of before had finished.

For some reason, he noticed something inside of him. It was similar to when he took a photo of you that day, when you two were together at the party or when he picked some roses for you.

It also felt like when you talked to him about Colt earlier that day.

He didn't know where that feeling came from, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Your pov:

A little pain in your neck was what woke you up the next day. As in this room the window was right behind your bed, the sun reflected directly on your face. Its brightness was intense, so you turned to the left to avoid it.

However, you ended up on the ground. Good way to remember this bed is smaller than the one I used to sleep on.

You got up embarrassed, hoping that Eren didn't hear you falling. Talking about him, the last thing you remember was being next to the boy watching Your Lie in April. The other memories were mixed in your head.

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