twenty nine.

228 15 5

Six years ago.

Hints of amber and pink splashed across the skyline as the two boys sat on the rooftop illuminated by the rising sun, watching the ever-present shadows shrink with every passing second.

Yoongi let out a contented sigh as he leaned back on his hands, closing his eyes a little as he took a moment to just bask in the early morning light. "I like it here," he said at last.

He didn't seem to notice the pain that lingered on the edge of Jungkook's expression as he looked over at the other boy before returning his gaze to the city sprawling before them. "Is it the place you like?" Jungkook said quietly. "Or a person?"

Yoongi tilted his head to the side as he met his best friend's eyes. "Maybe it's both."

Jungkook said nothing, focusing on a spot in the distance.

"I've been thinking about telling him," Yoongi continued more softly.

Now Jungkook's head snapped over to him. "You are?"

The black-haired boy gave him a quizzical look, but Jungkook could see the anxiety behind it threatening to bleed through. "Do you think I shouldn't?"

Jungkook bit down sharply on his lip to keep from saying something he would regret. He was doing that a lot more frequently these days, especially when it came to Mark.

Ignoring the slight coppery sting that sprung into his mouth as his teeth broke through skin, Jungkook dropped his gaze to the stone beneath them, leaning back a little to look up at the lightening sky above them. "I just don't want you to get hurt," he said finally. "You've been through a lot. You deserve to be happy now."

Yoongi melted a little at the younger's unusually sweet words, a small smile dancing across his face as he reached over to ruffle Jungkook's dark hair. "Now look at who's being soft," he teased gently, sliding an arm across the other boy's shoulders as he pulled him to his side. "Thanks, Kookie. For always being there. I know sometimes I don't really deserve it, but I appreciate it nonetheless."

Jungkook smiled as rested his head on the elder's shoulder, allowing himself to be folded into his embrace. "I'll always be there for you, hyung."

Blood exploded in Jungkook's mouth, warm and metallic, as his body slammed into the mat, his teeth tearing through the not-quite-healed cut. His ears rang with the force of the blow even as he struggled to scramble out of the way before another could follow it. His muscles screamed in protest with the effort, but he didn't dare stop. The longer he remained on the ground, the more opportunities his opponent had to attack.

He couldn't afford to lose. Not today.

Today was a test. The General had been watching him practice for weeks, quietly observing him as he went through the routines that had become almost like second nature to him. Today was a challenge, he had told him. To see if he was ready.

Jungkook wasn't quite sure what he meant by that, but he knew one thing - failure wasn't an option.

"Where are you going?" a sweet voice behind him drawled.

Jungkook's struggles increased when he felt a hand clamp around his ankle, thrashing against the grip even as his attacker dragged him backwards, his broken nails scrabbling for purchase against the practice mat.

"The fun's only just begun," Ten continued in that same sing-song tone as before, flipping him around just to pin him to the ground with his foot, a sadistic smirk sneaking up the side of his face.

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