forty three.

88 13 2

Six years ago.

Jungkook's pulse hammered with adrenaline and his hands trembled more with every step, but he forced them down by his sides. He refused to let the people around him see. Mark cast him a comforting smile from his side and that helped in easing his rapidly increasing heartbeat.

A swift glance from the General at the head of their little group had Jungkook quickening his pace. "Vice, keep up."

Right. That was his new name, given to him with his new position.

Jeon Jungkook, son of a powerful politician, was now the right hand of the infamous Purgatory.

Did the others know the truth? Did they know where he came from? Did they also think he didn't belong here? Were they already plotting his downfall? Had some of Ten's followers stayed behind to make sure he got the end he deserved?

He was yanked out of his thoughts by the General's voice, reminding the unit of their mission with the same calm authority he'd possessed when he'd named Jungkook his second.

Unconsciously, Jungkook began to seek out the face he so desperately wished to see, but Yoongi had been placed in a different unit. He'd known something was wrong with the older when he'd steadfastly brushed past him, an unreadable expression in his eyes when Jungkook had called after him. It killed him, knowing something was up with his best friend but being unable to offer any support. He only hoped Yoongi was willing to let him comfort him when this mission was done.

Jungkook swallowed thickly as he adjusted his gun holster, a weight he wasn't used to, and followed the General forward as their unit splintered. They were a part of the offense but were separating into three prongs to attack from different angles once the lookouts signaled that it was time.

It was just Jungkook and the General, crouched between several stacks of plywood, and Jungkook couldn't help but ask the question that had been burning through his mind for the last few hours.

"Why me?" he blurted.

The General's mouth quirked a little in amusement at the sudden outburst and Jungkook felt his ears heat up. But the General wasn't laughing when he gave his answer. "You have what it takes to be a great leader." He paused, motioning around at the other soldiers surrounding them. "These other people, they just care about money and power. But money and power don't gain you the kind of trust people need in a leader. I chose you because you don't seem like you're interested in either of those things. You care about people."

Jungkook made a face, dropping his gaze to the ground. "I just... wanted to be someone different. I didn't think I'd get this far."

"But you like it, don't you?" Jungkook didn't respond, so the General kept talking. "I see you training for hours on end voluntarily. I see you looking out for your friends and standing up for them. You always have the biggest smile on your face at target practice. I know this may not be the life you envisioned for yourself, but I think you could grow to love it. Being a leader is never easy, but I see the potential in you. If this is a life you'd accept... I would love to give it to you."

Jungkook's heart twisted painfully at that. How long had he waited for someone to say those words to him? To tell him he wasn't just some disappointment from a rich family?

Jungkook never got a chance to respond because the lookout suddenly flashed them the signal and it was all he could do to lunge forward after the General, getting lost in the adrenaline.

He didn't feel the impact of the metal door against his shoulder as he forced it open, didn't register the bruises forming with every punch he landed at a Kingmaker as they began to realize what was going on. He was sure the warmth spreading across his arm was blood but he didn't stop to look.

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