raven dark past

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After Ethan pass out everyone stood around and waited. The healer checks if he was breathing she looks at the crowd with a smile. She then said "his breathing but I'm not sure he will make it. So help me take him to the doctor. Making sure to bring his friends."

Few days pass when finally Ethan awoke, he was greeted by shocked faces. Erey asks "how are you feeling?" Ethan stands up well the doctor tries to make him sit. He says "I'm fine doctor thank you for your help. Erey I'm ok where is Raven?"

Erey says "he is this way." Ethan follows Erey, he put on his bracelets and bumps into the door frame. He covers his right eye with his left hand. "I see so I lost my eye well I should have expected that." Erey says as she leads him to Raven, "the doctor said that you lucky, at the speed the arrow must have been going it could have to kill you." Ethan holding on to Erey left shoulder with his right hand. Ethan "is that so." He smiles and walks to where Raven is.

Once they get there Ethan finds Raven is asleep so he stands over the bed looking down at him. He then slaps Raven says "wake up how long do you plan to sleep." Raven slowly opens his eyes and says "where am I." Ethan looks at Raven in the eyes "we find you in the dungeon."

Raven sits up and faces Ethan and says "in that case I want to fight you to the death." Erey and the other people in the room jars drop. Ethan smile and accepts the challenge. Raven then stands up and tells Ethan to follow him. Ethan smiles and follows Raven. Erey stops them by asking "really you're going to fight now?" Ethan says to her "yes there no fun in wait for this." Ethan wakes out the door but still bumps it.

Ethan follows Raven to the arena bumping into pretty much everything on the way, that in his blind spot. The word spread fast that Ethan and Raven the top 2 adventurers were fighting to the death. So people fill the arena well Ethan and raven just stood in the middle of the arena. It was a normal arena so not many people could fit, but they try to fit as many as possible.

After a few minutes, there was a cheering crowd. Ethan looks around then looks at Raven and says, "well we sure got a crowd here." Ethan gets into a fighting stance as Raven said as he was getting into one as well, "true, I'm grateful you save my life but I have to do this." Ethan smiles and says "ok just know I'm not going easy on you. I lost my right eye so it going to be hard to hit you so I will finish you the moment I hit you." Ethan then raises his right arm and place the bracelet just under his mouth. He mutters a few words then says "we start when this rock hit the ground." Holding a rock he picked up. Ethan throws it up in the sky and it comes down hitting a crowd member. Ethan charges towards Raven.

Raven steps to the side and stabs at Ethan with his sword. Ethan tries to dodge but it didn't help. Ethan gets a little distance, well holding his left shoulder and says, "well done, not bad, I need to get use to my eye quickly." Ethan runs towards Raven again the same thing happens. Ethan hooks his foot on the ground making him fall face first. He stops himself with his hands. Then spin around try to kick Raven.

Raven jumps up he then lands, stab at where Ethan's head is. Ethan avoids it by rolling out of the way. Ethan jumps to his feet. He and Raven are at arm's length now. Ethan punches and misses with Raven not dodging. Raven lunges his sword at Ethan, Ethan just nearly dodges the sword then he punches again and the same thing happens, he misses. They do it faster, after a few seconds Ethan jumps back hold his right shoulder. Ethan says "well well well, I've got this sorted let end it with the next attack." Raven just runs toward Ethan with his sword point at Ethan.

As Raven is about to hit Ethan's throat. Ethan right hand does an uppercut movement grab the blade of the sword and breaking it. Now with a broken blade Ethan then turn it onto Raven but holding it inches away for his throat. He then says "Raven see now your life is in my hand, so instead of killing you, I want you to live for my sake." Raven smiles "ok I will do that. One thing" He walks towards Ethan, Ethan's hand goes over his right shoulder, "your last attack missed." Ethan look at the blade then say frustratedly "I was pointing the blade at your throat."

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