the beginning

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Two planets are at war and have been for thousands of years. It became more of a game than a war. The planet of the devilkin and monster its name is salokcin. The planet of humans, elf, beastkin, etc it name is yeldarb. The inhabits of salokcin attack yeldarb every 100 years. In the early years of the war, the planet salokcin gave yeldarb a chance. They said that they would attack every hundred years, till either the invading force is destroyed, or till the invaders decide to give up attacking. most of the time the invaders attack untill some cities have been destroyed. so most of the time the war last a few days. the longest it ever lasted, was 35 days where yeldarb won for the first time by luck. not many wars later the gods decide to help out. They hate to see their world being attacked. So they devised a plan that low-rank god/goddess can bless the most amount of people, but their blessing were weak they can only bless to give more strength and speed. The higher the god/goddess rank is, the less people they can bless, but their blesses are stronger.

It starts 20 years ago where a couple who lives on the edge of a forest, they have a son. They live as one big happy family. Till one day when the father was out hunting. A monster attacks the wife and kills her. she was able to hide the 3-year-old boy. The dad came home to find his wife dead and his son missing. he calls out his son name "Ethan!" when he heard crying coming from the corner of the house. he ran over and moves the stuff that was in the way and saw Ethan was fine. he hugged him tightly well says it 's ok, well he grits his teeth.

Years pass by Ethan now 8 years old. Ethan show his dad that he could use gravity magic then asks, "can I help you hunt I can hold them in place?" dad look at Ethan and smiled "yes it would help but only when your 10 years old you're still too young." Ethan smiled, well wait for the 2 years passbl Ethan help out his dad. Chopping wood carry heavy things by making them lighter. When the 2 years passed by Ethan and his dad are set out. They head into the forest and a few hours later they come back with few monsters. Dad "Ethan thanks to you we were able to get quite a few today. now we don't have to hunt for a month.

This goes on for 5 years the 2 of them are happy till one night well they were hunting. They see monsters run pass them. Ethan and his dad are on their guard as the monster seem to be run from something. when the monster comes out of the bush. Ethan steps back and falls on his butt trembling as his dad looks at him and asks "what wrong?" Ethan struggles to say it "it the monster that got mom!" dad look towards the monster "is that so, Ethan runs home! me and this beast have unfinished business. If I don't come back in a while or shoot a fireball into the sky then go and hide. just know son, your mom and I love you so much now get going."

Ethan runs home, he can hear the fighting as he runs. When he gets home he look out the window. A few minutes pass when he finally see a fireball fly into the sky. Then it explodes and he sees the word hide. Ethan goes to the middle of the room and pull the carpet away and open the trap door. Before going inside he grabs a few things a bag of food and 2 jars. He put the food and 1 jar in the room and holds the other one and the trap door. He throws the jar up and then closes the door quickly. It smashes on the floor spilling the liquid in it. He then takes the other jar and rubs it on his body.

He sits quietly in the darkest. He then hears the door open and footsteps then a voice says, "it ok you can come out the monster gone." it's his dad's voice Ethans about to call out. when he remembers something his dad told him," if we are ever separated I will say special words "orange bird walk backwards," if I don't say those words then it, not me." The voice then says "orange birds walk backwards." Ethan happy to hear his dad is back, his is about to call out again. When he stops and thinks, if my dad told me to hide why would he come back so soon, this is not my dad. Tears run down his face he sit still and listen as the voice calls out to him. then Ethan hears a voice that shakes him to his core "son where are you it me your mom came out please I want to see you."

Ethan shaking with anger and fear, his about to move when he felt a warm hands on his shoulders his anger and fear disappears he turn around to see nothing there. Until morning comes he can hear the monster walking around. he then hears the monster speaks in a voice that he does not know, "well I guess he's not here too bad." he hears the monster walk away Ethan decides to stay in the room for 1 more day before leaving just to be saved.

5 years pass Ethan get use to living by himself. It later evening, Ethan is chopping wood for the fire. he about to go inside when a bright light shines. he can't see he hears a voice "Ethan I choose you as the man I wish to bless." Ethan replies still covering his eyes and looking away, "that straight forward, but do you mind turning that light off I can't see." she replies "sorry about that." the light disappears Ethan slow turn his head and looks at her then screams in pain "my eyes!" Ethan has never seen a woman in his life and his eyes were not ready for the women in front of him. she asks panicked "what wrong?" he replies "you see it just you to beautiful, and my eyes have never seen women before expected my mom." she laugh and smiles "is that so I thought it was something bad. now back to business, my name is Hariela."

Ethan politely " hello miss Hariela what may I do for you, you sure are far from town." she confused by what he had said she replies, "it seems you didn't notice but I'm a goddess and not a human." Ethan "oh, that explains a lot." He then slow looks at her, he see a beautiful woman stand before him. Hariela speaks "Ethan like I said I choose you as the person I wish to bless." Ethan "um I don't follow at all." Hariela says "ok so do you know about the war against the demons?"

Ethan shakes his head she then continues "ok then let me do a crash course of the important stuff. there is another planet like this one with demons on it, Every 100 years they attack, we god give people a blessing to help them fight the demons. I chose you as the one I want to bless. so do you accept?" Ethan thinks about it and replies "I don't really get it but if the world in danger and I can help then count me in."

Hariela says happily "ok that great ok come closer." Ethan walks closer she continues "I the goddess bestow the gift 'not to get tired'." she grabs his face and kisses him on the cheek. she says "done." Ethan says "that great so what my pow" Ethan suddenly shouts in pain "my face it burns" Hariela worried says "hold on for a bit it the mark to prove that I'm your blesser." Ethan say with a stutter "ok it hurt alot but it not so bad." on his right cheek where she kisses him, there is a mark it's a triangle with a circle inside it and a H inside the circle. Ethan says " Hariela what my power?" She replies "it the ability to not get tired. sorry I got to go now talk to you later. Before i leave i should tell you the war is in 20 years work hard." she then ascends to the sky before Ethan could say anything more.

Ethan said to himself "now what I was tried a few minute ago for the wood chopping but seems as though it gone, well I will go cut wood till I get tried." he walks over to the woodpile and starts chopping away. When morning came and his still chopping. He says "wait a minute I chopped wood most of the night and im not tired i need to check something."

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