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Kayer says "with that 33 has bought her For 267 million 543 thousand and 325 Cases. That end the Auction." He then slams his hammer on the table and left the stage. The crowd stands up and starts to leave when 33 starts to laugh stopping them in their tracks. 33 laughs like a mad man "I did it I beat him it did it."

He repeats it a ton of times as everyone leaves and walks out. Ethan leaves and waits for an hour before walking into the alley next to the slave house. When 3 men come out and confront him. Ethan says holding his hand up "I know you would come. let me guess, you are with those 3 idiots I made spend all the money on a trap slave." man in the middle "trap slaves?" "yes, your boss bought slave that is going to get them busted number 6 and 22 are most likely done for already. Just number 33 left to fall hahaha." the 2 men look at the guy on their left who turns and runs to warn his boss. Ethan says well knock out 2 of the guys, "it will be problematic if you tell him." He knocks out the run man and carries all three into the shop.

Kayer "good work we are in your debt, looking at the guy Ethan carrying." Ethan response "yes indeed." Kayer tells the guard to take them "well thank you. Your slave will be brought to you in a bit. As for payment you can pay tomorrow." In a few minutes pass and Bruy comes out holding a chain with a line of slaves. Bruy hands him the chain then grabs his shoulder and whispers in his ear. "do it later not now." Ethan does the thing to make them his slave and then walk away holding the chains the Twins ask as they in front, "what are you going to do with us?" Ethan feeling strain on the chain pulls it say "come along." the 99 slaves' arms that are bind by the chain get tug forward.

People watch as Ethan walks with a line of slave behind him. "shame on you!" They shout and throw stuff only hit Ethan. Ethan walks and says nothing the whole way. He finally gets to the house. "Enies, Ereys I'm back!" He shouts, Enies open the gate Ethan walk inside. He let them all in the yard before closing the gate.

Ethan unlocks the chains and says stand between Erey and Enies, Ethan says "line up in 9 lines of 10." The slaves do as he says. Ethan tells them, "welcome my new slaves as you know I paid over 5 billion Cases for you," Erey and Enies hide their complete shock, "so I expect to get my money worth, see this house behind me it a house I bought a few hours ago. I want to move into it by tomorrow so here my first order I order you to clean this house and get it ready for me. The slave looks at the massive house and slowly starts to move.

Ethan says with authority "if it not done morning you will be in trouble so move it." The slave starts to run and move fast. Ethan let out a laugh falling to the floor. All the slaves look back at his laugh and roll on the floor. Ethan stands up wipes his tear from his eye and say nicely "line up as you did. I was joking." After they line up Ethan tells them, "okay hello my name is Ethan and I'm your master. There is a few things I want to tell you before I set you free." One guy slave asks, "sorry master it interrupter I wanted asks what do you mean by set us free?" Ethan looks at him the man step back in fear.

Ethan says kindly, "there no reason to fear me. What I mean I let you free if you listen to what I have to say. Okay so it out of the bag I'm letting you free so if you want to go on your own way then that fine but if you want to stay I will hire you as a servant and pay you money. Those who choose to join me in the dungeon will get a place to live in this house and a part of the money we make in the dungeon. Like I said early this is my house as you can see it need a caring hand. Those who are my servant don't fret as this place has a guest house fill with nice size rooms. Well, that all I needed to tell you. I Ethan heard by release my slaves." With that, the circle on the slaves light up and break and disappear. Ethan say "here you go take this as a gift to you from me. if you want to stay then line up to my left those who don't want to stay line up to my right.

After a few minutes, Ethan has 75 to his left and 14 to his right. He walks over to the right side he then hands them each a bag Enies gave him. Ethan says "there you go here enough money to live off for a month. you may go now good luck and don't waste or throw those gifts away." The 14 leave as Ethan wave them off. One guy to Ethan's left says "is he really let slave be free then I think I will go." The guy runs after the group Ethan throw him a bag. Ethan stands in front of the 74 ex-slaves "is there anyone else that wants to leave?" They all nod no Ethan, "good now sit we have some business to talk. Sorry to tell you but he has to sleep outside tonight. As the place inside it to dirty hope you understand. As you probably wonder there is a house in the wood behind here, so as your first job it is to clean the house make it inhabitable by tomorrow night. Cut the trees around that house the day after. That house is the servents rooms as for my house you can get it ready once you're done with your house."

Cook girl asks "are you really ok with let us get that house ready first?" Ethan smiles "yes as I'm going into the dungeon tomorrow evening letting you have a while to get the house ready. once done with your house the trees and my house take it easy. Bring me to the next thing, you tank and twins come here and tell me your names, you to join me in the dungeon if you want. I will get to know the rest of your names soon. One last thing Bruy will come and check on you from day to day to give you food and make sure there no problem. I know I just freed you all but I trust you to be good and not cause problems." The slaves all say "you can trust us." The man says "hi my name is Leo thank you I will join you in the Dungeon master Ethan." Erey giggles Leo look at her, Ethan replies "nice to meet you Leo and I'm not you master I'm you friend so let work hard." The twins look at Ethan and say "hi I'm Milly and I'm Emilly." Ethan say "ok so Emilly swordman and Milly is the healer." The twins look surprised "you know who is who?" Ethan "well it was not hard. Enies I want you to tell them to as they will be fighting by our side, you can do that tomorrow, well I get their cards."

Ethan yawns and says "well it be along day let go to sleep when got a long day ahead." Enies and Erey lead everyone to the back where tents are set up and food cooking. Erey guesses a lot more than there was so some tent when empty. The next morning Erey finds Ethan hammer away at the house in the trees. Slowly they all wake up and start getting to work on the house Ethan did some fix up to the house in the night.

Ethan, Erey, Enies, Leo, Milly, Emilly leave the house they wave goodbye. As they leave a bunch of guards show up and the commanders introduce himself "hello Ethan my name Greg and I'm the Commander of the guards and I'm here to tell you that you have a summons for the king." guard taps him on the left shoulder. Ethan talks to the group. He says to them "sorry I got something to do, Erey as your going to the Guild already there no need for me to do it so well you help them with their cards." Ethan turn back as they turn leave. Greg "hey Ethan I'm telling you have a summon for the king." Ethan turns around "a what?"

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