the last war

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Jessee goes to war with his 1st and 3rd partners. The 2nd one die it the wars as he was a idiot. The march to where the fighting was the worst and they for tirelessly for days on the 6th day the general came to fight the now 6 strongest guys, on Jessee side, it was Jessee and his partners, two 2nd rank bless and one adventurer. The 5 blessed warriors could feel the Aura that this guy gave off. They stood still in fear.

A battle cry snapped them out of it as they watch the adventure run towards the monster of a demon with no fear. He was soundly knocked a side. But this help the other 5 get the courage so they charged the demonkin, the Battle cries gave the allies the will to fight.

The battle pick up after that. The 5 were fight the guy with all they had, as it look like they were going to win, a second guy came out of nowhere knocking Jessee aside. Jessee heard a voice near him, it was the adventurer he said, "this is going to hurt, but I'm sorry, I have no other choice, look at them getting slaughtered out there." Jessee look over he see his partners and allies being butchered by the two. The man continues " I can see your the strongest one here, this war is lost so please live on and make us win the next one." Jessee ask "what your name?" He replies "Raven, oh and this is going to hurt try not to scream to much." Before Jessee can say what. The man stab him in the stomach.

Jessee look at him as to say why. The man says, "look that dagger is imbued, with a magic spell the put the person it stabs into a near death state. Don't worry it will stop work after 3 days give or take. Just hope you dont get eaten. I was going to use it on myself, if we were going to lose so i could survive to fight another day. But it seem as though it would be better for you to use then some coward like me. It look like it the end for me so stay safe." Jessee hears a little sorrow in the man voice as man grab two sword laying on the ground next to him.

Then man stand up wipe his face with his arm, with a sword in each hand he breaths in and out. The man stay silent for a few seconds the lets out a massive battle cry and I mean massive. It made everyone alive in the vicinity freeze. They watch as this man charge the 2 enemy. Jessee passed out after that.

He woke up a few hours later to find a healer, healing his wound he ask what happened. He found later and now, that the adventurer manage to kill one and get his sword stuck in the others back. As for the war the enemy has gone ahead and made camp, where the plan to attack the god realm.

After hearing this Jessee all healed went over to the corpse of  Raven and made a make shift tome stone. He then march toward the enemy camp on the way he passed a town, that was destroyed and there he found a mask. He dawned the mask and head on.

He kill enemy Mercilessly, Jessee blessing give him back some stamina when he kills a monster/demonkin, which means in one vs a group he has the advantage, but 1vs1 his at a disadvantage.

As he get close the enemy start to actually try and stop him. He slowly make his way to the camp kill left, right and center. Once in the camp it dies down has he fight the heavy hitters. He take awhile to kill each of them, every now and again he kill as standby to get energy.

He finally get to the gate that just open a little bit earlier. He goes through what he assumes to be a paradise, in flame and chaos he runs around killing enemy he comes across, form the time he woke up to now his been fight at 100%, if he was fighting at it before Raven and the other would have been alive. Well fight he help gods and goddesses get to safety. Well running around he find his god on the floor clinging to life.

He runs over to him. The god happy to see, but unable to speak properly, "I'm happy to see you here, please do this dying god a favour, protect my son he has a scar on his right eyebrow." The god able to get the request out circumst to his wounds.

Jessee fulled with rage looks for the boy. After alitte bit of searching he see a boy and woman cowering. He notices the scar and runs over. He ask the boy is his dad the 1st rank god, which the mom replies "yes his my husband, how is he?" Jessee "I will give it to you straight his dead, but he ask me to protect the boy, I assume you are the mom of this boy?" She noddes and say well tears runs down her face, "yes im his mom, I hope he went peacefully, if i can ask who are you?" Jessee "I'm Jessee probably don't know me, yes he went peacefully, were do you go when you die nevermind not the time, come with me." She say as the leave "my husband talk about you alot." Jessee look around make sure not to be spotted "that all good is there anywhere you can hide until this blows over." She replies "we have a counter measure for this type of thing, we were on our way but I got scared so I hide."

Jessee follow her, when all seemed to be good. When 2 arrows came and hit the goddess in the back. Jessee turn to see two grants with bows he charges and kills them instantly before they can fire again. He rush to her side as the life drains from her she say "head to the big building in the back you will find a door put my son hand on it and it will open." She take her last breath shortly after words. The son being the size of a human toddler, Jessee carrying him and runs off to the building.

When he get the he see dead goddess and gods at the entrance. Also at the entrance is one of the general he fought earlier. The general smiles and says "is this they guy that being cause the problem. If you dont remember i kick your ass earlier." The general can tell it him from his aura. Jessee put the way He's sword. He hold the boy tightly with both arms. He then runs towards the general and slides and his feet. He then goes and open the door and see alot of gods and goddesses. He give the boy to one of the as he see they all scaried. He tell them to close the door.

He then turns around to face the enemies. The general say "thank you for show us how it works, when we are done with you, we are going to kill every single one of them." Jessee say calmly "if you think this is going to go they way it did last time, you're mistaken, but i don't blame you i was not fight at 100%. Now let me show you the true power of the man blessed by the 1st rank god himself, try not to blind or you will miss it. For you i will make an exception, but first answer me this, how did an adventurer kill one of you and badly wound the other?" The general says "as your about to die i will tell you, first his battle cry was breath taking, so much so that my partner froze and was kill instantly, as for me, when humans go into the state, like he did you became some slimy buggers to hit, so he just dodge and stab me it the back. I got ahold of him after that, when i slowly crush his body in my hand you should of heard him scream..." "Now who was the one going to die?" Jessee stand behind the now two part general said to himself, "it not the way of the warrior to kill like that, but i had to stop you from, saying and more." After that Jessee went around killing enemies and saving gods/goddesses with the help of the god guard.

Few hours later the battle was over. It was considered a with for Jessee, though they lost alot 5 of the top ranked gods/goddesses were dead. Many gods/goddesses die in the chaos, thanks to Jessee it was stop. After the fighting Jessee let the Gods/Goddesses in the room know it over. After being thanked for saving them Jessee left.

Back on the ground, he when to Raven body and buried him. He help the injured there won't alot, most were dead. He was the only one to walk away of the top fighters. Once he buried the other 4. He when home it was not long after that, that he found out he had a summons for the king.

So he when to the castle and introduce himself as Raven aka the hero of the war. The king gave him land near a forest. Where he built a house for Raven family. When he was done he refected on his actions in the war, for mean years.

Jessee stop his story by say to the group, "a few years back i got tied and decided to hunt monster in dungeon. Now your all caught up." All the girls were sad, well Leo and Ethan look alitte sad, but  intrigued. After that everyone hug it out an left to go do other things. Ethan tells Raven to hang back.

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