chapter 20

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Emma remembered what her sister told her on the phone earlier that she should go back and tell Lincoln and make it clear to him that the wedding is cancelled because she was worried that Lincoln would not follow the contract after a year and would not cancel the contract with Emma.

That would be very troublesome. When Emma returned home and told Lincoln that her sister already knew about their contractual relationship, so there might be no way to get married now.

Emma returned to the room and thought that his grandfather might suffer from the illness, but if she marry him then her sister will be very embarrassed and upset.

Emma went to the gym and saw her cousin ther, said to her that Lincoln  had helped her so much and that she should also help her.

Moreover, they were only in a contractual relationship, not a real marriage, but the sister said that although Lincoln was to be thanked, But there is no need to pay so much, and to marry him.

There are many ways to repay, and it doesn’t have to be marriage.

When her sister called from paris, she told Emma to pack her things and go stay with joy.

Emma returned to the house, Lincoln said that he hadn’t thought about it yet. Then he said that it was not this thing, but that he had left the food for her.

He Let her reach to eat, then grandpa called her, asking her what kind of clothes she likes, then she said blue, blue shows the spirit, so she got another phone call.

She told grandpa that she would answer another call first, and then call him later.

When her sister said to go to joy for a while, Emma asked her sister if she could give her a little time and then hang up.

Lincoln couldn't each or find Emma so he asked someone to find her cousin, because he didn’t want to call the police, so he didn’t call the police at first, instead he Just find someone.

Then they found joy and he asked her if Emma was with her, but she said that Emma wasn't with her.

He called her friends but Eric and maira didn’t know where Emma was, and he showed her picture to several people on the street but know one seems to know her or to tell him where she was.

Lincoln and joy looked for things left by Emma in the room, so the two found the things Emma painted on the table.

He asked where the place was on the paper, but joy didn't know either, so they went to the beach.

When he saw Emma, she said that she wanted to call them, but the phone was out of power, so she didn’t make the call, he hold her hand and they came back home together.

Later he said to her that he would cancel the marriage contract, and knows how to handle his grandpa.

As far as the situation and endurance are concerned, even if the truth of the matter is known, the problem shouldn’t be too big.

Then Lincoln left, and her cousin told her that she had taken back the previous evaluation of Lincoln.

After that, Emma got a call from her sister she thought that her sister would not stop her from marrying Lincoln, but the her sister said that this did not mean that she agreed with the relationship between them.

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