chapter 15

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When Jessica arrived at the address kingsley gave her, he came outside the house waiting for her. She saw him, the house is not bad it also big and beautiful

"Nice to see you here I know you won't let me down"

"I have to, you know it your birthday"

"Alright come in your're highly welcomed"

"Thank you"

"Oh have a sit let me bring you some refreshment"

He brought her some refreshments, and Jessica was wondering is this a birthday or what. She doesn't seem to see anything either cake or any birthday decoration,

"I know you will be worried not seeing any birthday cake or decoration, your brother and some of my friends have prepared a birthday cake, gift and presents for me at a place, we're going therefrom here I just want you to know my house"

"Awww that's amazing, am so sorry I didn't prepare a gift for you I don't know....

" don't worry, while you finish your drink, I'll go get ready then we take off right?"

"Alright no problem"

When he came out Jessica couldn't stop stairing at him, he wore a blue jeans and a white sleeve with a blue jean jacket his hair looks curly and smooth his fair skin looks flaurless and his body looks handsome....i guess am ready, are you?

"Yes am ready"

"We're going to Ballie Ballerson Shoreditch, it one of the best place to celebrate  birthday in London"

"Wow that's amazing"

She stood up and he holds her hands and they took off, they arrived by 6: pm and everyone was waiting for them, Jessica saw her brother and some of kingsley male and female friends during high school, the birthday party begins and everyone was dancing with their partners, exclusing Edward who was drinking wine at the waiters table

Later on it was time to cut the cake and the cake was been cut by the birthday guy, everyone was given some bite, when it was jessica's turn she felt shy to take it but when her brother smiles and direct her with hi finger she took the cake from kingsley.

Later it was time to leave the birthday is over, everyone had given their gifts to kingsley, Edward gave him an expensive wrist watch and latest shoes on town, Edward left them and everyone left, it was only kingsley and Jessica who were left at the place.....

" Am so sorry I couldn't get you a suitable gift"

"Am very okay with that, cos seeing you here is a gift"

He ask them to play him a music he wants to dance with his girlfriend as the music was playing he direct his hands towards Jessica and she stood up and they started dancing romantically...."you look beautiful always"

"Thank you"

As they were dancing he pull her closer for a kiss and Jessica was like freezed because she didn't expect this so fast, after he pull back, she couldn't peek at him and she ran outside for some fresh air because she was sweating even though there's an Air conditioning in the place......

She was having an inner thought within her self... "Am I dreaming or it true that we kissed, I don't know if this is a dream or reality"

Kingsley came outside and saw her...."i will drop you off at home it getting late I don't want your mom to be worried"

"Yes I really wanna go home right now"

He drop her off and took off, when he arrived home he couldn't stop thinking of that moment they had together

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