chapter 17

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Lincoln pushed Emma against the wall..." How did you get in here, in my room"

"Am sorry to say this, but this is the house I bought".

Suddenly something on the bookcase fell. Lincoln helped her block it, but the bath towel that was wrapped around his waist accidentally fell.

This made both of them very uncomfortable and embarrassed.

Emma quickly fled. She ran out of the room, and then came back after she calmed down for a while. Lincoln
showed all his documents for the home to her.

She said she has legal documents for the home as well and showed it to him. After learning the details, he told her that she might have been deceived, but she thought it was impossible.

She said impossible, "how could my own cousin deceived me".

He walked her over to the door, and show how he can open the lock with his keys. he asked her to use her keys to open the door, she tried but it didn't work.

"Now you need to delete the photos you took on your phone, the reason why you were able to open the door is because it was a decoration key, and you need to find this your cousin first and sort your problems out"

"Alright am going to find out the truth"

Emma returned to the real estate consultant office to find her cousin. She discovered that she was indeed deceived by her.

Emma started to cry. After learning about the situation, maira and Eric comforted her, and also suggested that she goes to Lincoln and also report it to the police.

Maira and Eric gave Emma some money without saying anything.

The next day, Emma found Lincoln and told him that her cousin deceived her, she want him to help her, but he bluntly rejected her, saying that he didn't have any time today.

He said to her...." your cousin deceived you, which has nothing to do with me, and mathmatically, it was very little chance of you getting your money back"

"Don't say anymore, since you don't want to help me" she walk away...

One of Lincoln's coworker called out to tell him he had a call from the hospital. The hospital needed him to go there as soon as possible.

He quickly put on his jacket and took his car keys and ran outside

When he came out he saw Emma guarding he's car...."what the hell are you doing beside my car"

"You have to accompany me to the Police office to make a transcript or else i would not let you drive"

"Ok fine get in the car"

she was actually guarding the wrong car. She turn and got her clothes caught on the rearview mirror and fell backwards.

Lincoln fell on top of her while trying to help her..... "I have to go to the hospital before going to the police office"

Lincoln went to the hospital. The doctor explained to him about the spread of lymphoma.

He looked at an old man in the hospital bed who was over sixty years old, he walked away depressed. When the matter was over, Lincoln discovered that Emma had used hospital tape to help him stick to the rearview mirror on his car that she accidentally broke.

When Emma asked at the the female police officer about reporting the case, she learned that the fraud of 2 million dollars would be sentenced to at least ten years life sentence, and immediately decided not to report the case.

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