How It's Going

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"Thankfully the doctor says it's just a little cold and not the flu or covid or anything super serious." Seokjin said as he reached out to wipe Jae's nose for the tenth time since Taehyung and Jimin had arrived with ice cream to visit the omega and his pup, the four-month-old making a noise of dissatisfaction that added to his already grumpy demeanor thanks to the cold he had. "Namjoon told me there's been a cold going around the younger classrooms at the preschool, so I guess it was just a matter of time before my little puppy fell victim." He lightly rubbed his pup's back as Jae nuzzled against his scent gland for comfort. "Anyway, what's going on with you guys?"

"Jungkook and I had sex for the first time last night." Taehyung announced.

"I knew you smelled especially fishy today." Jimin grumbled as he scooped up more ice cream, making a dig at Jungkook's ocean scent that he occasionally gagged at whenever it was super strong. "Don't tell me he did that rubbing his cum into you to mark you like knotheads tend to do."

Taehyung snorted. "Please, you know as well as I do that Jungkook is the complete opposite of a knothead." He paused to lick at his spoon before adding, "I rubbed it in myself." Jimin fake gagged, but the action had the nausea that was already swirling in his stomach increasing to where he felt like he would throw up, so he stopped himself. "Anyway, he was very endearing. He was super shy and overly focused on making sure I was feeling good and enjoying it. And he was super clumsy. It was almost like my first time all over again, except less awkward because I actually knew what I was doing, and Jungkook lasted way longer than Woojin. Way longer."

"Be careful, because that clumsiness may not go away." Seokjin warned him. "Outside of ruts, I still have to guide Namjoon to the things I like as if he's a virgin or has no experience." He sighed dramatically. "Although I do miss his fumbling. Do you know how long it's been since I've gotten dicked down? Six. Months."

Taehyung winced out of sympathy for him. "Hormones still messing with your sex drive."

"No, I've been horny for the past two months." Seokjin admitted. "But between this little cockblocker," he gestured to the pup starting to fall asleep on his chest, "and the fact that I still haven't decided what kind of birth control to go with, it just hasn't happened."

"Pull and pray?" Taehyung offered somewhat jokingly. "That's what Jungkook and I did because my doctor hasn't approved a new prescription yet and not all of us have mates with great insurance that will cover an IUD." He shot Jimin a look. Jimin didn't bite back like he normally would with his friends. Instead, he focused solely on his slowly melting ice cream, stirring it slightly as he was now too nauseous to eat. "Thankfully Jungkook and I already talked about what would happen if I ended up pregnant back when we first started talking about having sex."

"Now that I know last night was completely unprotected, I will 100% laugh at you and feel no sympathy if you do end up being pregnant." Seokjin informed him before turning to Jimin, who was still trying to tune out the conversation. "I've been researching IUDs because my doctor mentioned it would be safe to use while breastfeeding. How's it feel? Did it hurt getting put in?"

Afraid that he would vomit if he opened his mouth, Jimin just shrugged slightly. With the lack of response, Taehyung answered for him. "He's been moody all morning since I picked him up from his gyno. I'm blaming it for now since he just got it put in this morning."

"I didn't." Jimin said so quietly that he almost believed his friends didn't hear him. But from the way they were both staring at him in confusion, he knew they had, so he cleared his throat and spoke louder. "I didn't...get an IUD put in this morning."

After a beat, Taehyung asked, "Why not?"

"My doctor said I couldn't." Jimin answered vaguely, not really wanting to state the reason out loud as he knew that would make it too real.

"But if she already agreed to it a month ago, then why would she say so now?" The second the question was out of Seokjin's mouth, his eyes widened in realization. "Jimin, you're-"

"Please don't say it." Jimin begged, feeling tears starting to form. "Just don't."

Taehyung's eyes softened as he watched his best friend try not to cry, although his eyebrows were furrowed. "Not to be insensitive, but...why aren't you happy? You used to talk all the time about how you couldn't wait to be an Eomma."

"Yeah, but not when I've only been mated for seven months and not when my mate only makes $12.50 an hour and not when I can't even get a job because I'm still waiting for my green card application to be processed and not when we live in a tiny one bedroom apartment and especially not when we're on the tail end of a global pandemic that might not really be over yet because we don't know if there will be another wave!" The tears Jimin had been trying so hard to come back finally started to fall down his cheeks.

Seokjin bit his lip before reaching out to rub Jimin's arm comfortingly. "Have you talked to Yoongi yet?"

Jimin shook his head before speaking between sobs. "I've only known for three and a half hours, and I've been in denial the whole time."

"You should really talk to him." Seokjin suggested. "As soon as possible. He's going to be your biggest support system in this, and he's a good alpha, so you don't have to worry about him trying to make decisions for you or try to change your mind. He'll listen to you and be there for you whatever you may decide."

The 26-year-old omega nodded before taking a shaky breath. "I have to go to the bathroom so that I don't puke all over your couch." He handed his ice cream to Taehyung before standing up, hand over his mouth to hold back his vomit before he'd even left the room.

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