83 Days & Counting

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Jimin moaned loudly as soon as he bit into the piece of fried chicken he'd picked up. "Oh my god, this is the best fried chicken I've ever had." Yoongi chuckled as his fiance proceeded to devour the rest of the chicken on his plate in record time, licking the sauce off his fingers.

"You still got some..." Yoongi reached out to wipe the corner of Jimin's lips with his thumb before taking the opportunity to steal a kiss.

Seokjin's restaurant was always closed on Sundays, so he had invited the couple over to sample some dishes so they could put together their menu for the reception. However, that seemed to be harder than the thought as Jimin loved everything he tasted. On the other hand, Seokjin absolutely adored all the praise Jimin was throwing his way over his cooking. "I'm glad you think so." Seokjin chuckled as he slid a plate of dumplings over for Jimin to try next. "I worked hard perfecting my one-of-a-kind sauce."

"It's still missing some more onion."

Seokjin closed his eyes and breathed through his nose at his mother in law's comment. The older female omega had appeared unannounced shortly after the taste testing had begun, claiming that it had been too long since she'd gotten to see her 'darling son'--and she hadn't forgotten to not so subtly blame Seokjin as the reason even though there was a pandemic that he had been pregnant for a good percentage of, prompting Namjoon to want to keep him as safe as possible.

"If I wanted more onion in it, I would put more onion in it." Seokjin eventually said calmly, sending his mate a pleading look, even though the alpha had spent the entire time his mother had been there trying to get her to leave.

"Well, I think it has the perfect amount of onion." Jimin said with a smile before picking up a dumpling, moaning once again at the taste. "I never thought I'd be jealous of an unborn pup but knowing that he'll get to eat food this good every night...damn." He shook his head almost sadly. "When are you due again?"

"Mid November." Seokjin said, smiling as he subconsciously rubbed his stomach.

"And it's about time." Seokjin was barely able to hold back his groan as his mother-in-law spoke up again. "What? You've been mated for three and a half years, so obviously we were all getting a bit antsy. Especially after you used the incident last year as an excuse to put it off even longer."

"Mom!" Namjoon shot his mother a look, the female omega blinking as if she didn't know what was wrong with what she said.

Seokjin cleared his throat and stepped away from the counter. "I think I'm gonna go whip up some of those kimchi pancakes I told you about." Jimin nodded, but his eyes were full of concern as he watched the other omega disappear into the kitchen.

Once he was gone, Namjoon proceeded to begin arguing with his mother, informing her that she wasn't going to be welcome in his pup's life if she couldn't learn to be respectful to his mate. Meanwhile, Yoongi couldn't fight the urge to go and check on Seokjin, knowing that the omega shouldn't be alone with the thoughts that he knew were starting to enter his head. "I'll be right back." Yoongi whispered to Jimin, who immediately grabbed his arm.

"Don't leave me with them!" He hissed, gesturing towards Namjoon and his mother.

"You'll be fine." Yoongi assured him, pressing a kiss to his forehead just as Namjoon offered to walk his mom out. "Look, he's getting her to leave." Jimin gave him a weak nod and turned back to his plate of dumplings while Yoongi headed into the kitchen.

There, he found Seokjin not so gently setting all of the ingredients needed to make kimchi pancakes on the counter. "She's not wrong, you know." Seokjin said without even looking up. "I spent hours crying after finding out that there was no heartbeat. And you know what the first thing I said to Namjoon was when I was finally able to speak? 'I don't want to try anymore. I don't know if I'll ever want to try again'. So yeah, I did use my miscarriage to put off having pups, because I'd rather never have a pup to call my own than have to go through that pain again."

"You don't have to defend yourself." Yoongi said softly, but he wasn't sure if Seokjin heard him as the omega was still ranting.

"And it's not like we really planned for this pup." Seokjin laughed almost ironically. "It was during that snowstorm, and it was Valentine's Day, and our power and heat had gone out, but Namjoon still wanted to make the night special for me with all these candles and a fort in the living room. It was the first time we'd had sex since the miscarriage, and of course I ended up getting pregnant." He finally looked over at Yoongi. "And I was so happy when I saw that plus sign on the test. I thought I would feel sick if I ever got pregnant again, but I think the only other time I've been that happy was the day I mated Namjoon. And I feel that same happiness anytime I feel him move around inside of me. Hell, I even felt it on the days that I couldn't keep anything down because of how nauseous I was. He's mine and Namjoon's little miracle, and I already love him so much." A tear slipped down his cheek as he put his hand on his stomach, caressing it gently. "But that woman can even make him feel like a burden."

"She's a bitch." Yoongi said. "I know that, you know that, and Namjoon knows that. Hence why he's currently getting her to leave." He reached out to squeeze Seokjin's free hand. "Don't let her get to you. You and Namjoon deserve to be happy and enjoy this as much as you want."

Seokjin managed to smile, laughing quietly as he pulled his hand away from Yoongi to wipe at his eyes. "Thanks, Yoongles." The alpha tried not to cringe at the nickname. "Jimin's a lucky omega."

"No, I'm a lucky alpha." Yoongi insisted as Namjoon entered the kitchen, going straight towards Seokjin and pulling him into a hug while whispering no doubt comforting words into his ears. Yoongi decided it was best to leave them alone and went back out to where Jimin was still sitting at the counter.

"Don't ever leave me in an awkward situation like that again." He glared at Yoongi, pinching his arm as the alpha sat back down next to him.

"Seokjin needed to be heard." Yoongi said. "And I didn't want to make him wait until Namjoon got his mom to leave."

Jimin's annoyed faced dropped and a soft smile spread across his face. "You're a good friend." He gently pressed his lips to Yoongi's for a few seconds before pulling back to feed him the last dumpling on the plate.

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