16 - We Run

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Fiancé?! When did Wooyoung get a new boyfriend? How was it possible that he could just move on from San so quickly. He stared in disbelief at the man in bed, and watched in denial as Wooyoung leaned down to give Mingi a kiss

This wasn't real

What was happening

Wooyoung isn't being serious

Yeosang was correct...


2 minutes in the room hadn't even dawned and San had already rushed out the room. He ran down the hotel corridor, slipping his backpack on and rushing down the stairs. Once again he felt alone, with no one to turn to. It was still to late to give Seonghwa a call becuase who's up at 2am? Plus he didn't know that Seonghwa was in the process of destroying Yeosang's ass. So the only logical solution was to just take a cab home. He dialed the taxi service, and waited on the side of the road.

San felt extremely crippled. At this point he had taken too much of a beating and was now slowly deteriorating. It seemed everyone in the world was against him, he felt alone and trapped in an inescapable cycle of actions and consequences. 2am November 16th, the weather was below freezing. San looked around for any sign of human life, someone anyone.

Seoul was as dead as his soul.


Once the long, boring taxi ride had come to a close, San opened the door with the keys he lied about forgetting. His mother was already asleep so he had nothing much to do. Grabbing his towel San went into the shower to try and rid of the alcohol aura that he was enclosed in.

The warm water hitting his body was somewhat soothing and oddly releasing. It felt nice to have something hot graze his body to fill the freezing conditions his heart had succumb to. San sighed, and a small airy moan managed to leave his mouth as his tense muscles started to relax.

Sitting in a shower was not a first for San. After his first breakup his favourite was activity was to stay in the bathroom for prolonged periods of time and just forget about everything. It wasn't a very effective coping mechanism, as everything never forgot about San. He wasn't one to cry, but a tear formed and managed to fall from his face.

"Y-You're so fucked up San. Of course he has boyfriend. He's moved on..." He said trailing off into another tear "i need to move on too"


Even San too questioned why he was stood facing the office door the next day. He had no motivation to do any work so why was he even here. Yeosang was the person he wanted to see the least right now, yet his heart constantly pulled him back towards him.

His feelings never changed, the feelings that he thought weren't there, that he tried to forget and drown out, was the same feelings that kept him going. Those feelings that were strengthened every time San saw Yeosang smile, or hear him laugh.

"Im fine, im totally fine" He chanted in an attempt to reassure himself he could do this. San placed one hand on the door handle..

"Im not fine, im not fine. I probably need coffee" San scolded himself, blaming his mental state on his energy level. He removed his hand from the door handle and made his way to the lounge.

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