15 - We Fuck

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"What i just asked if i could stay over-"

"What was that all about. I thought you moved on from Wooyoung. I thought after all the heartache he gave you you'd brush him aside" He gave San a hard cold death stare as he couldn't believe what he just saw, or he didn't want to believe it.

"Can i not do what i want? Besides its not like he's fully forgiven just yet"

"No San you aren't listening. What if he's leading you on. What if something bad is going to happen. What if he's just leading you on-"

"AND WHY DO YOU CARE! YOU HATE ME FOR ALL I KNOW, WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT YEOSANG" San raised his voice at Yeosang, who flinched in slight shock. The alcohol was definitely getting to him.

"I CARE BECAUSE.. Because..." Yeosang really didn't have an answer, struggling to find the words to explain the fact that he was jealous without sounding like a freak.

"BECAUSE WHAT? TELL ME" San hit his hand on the table in frustration, and it was then people started to watch the argument

"BECAUSE I CAN! AM I ALLOWED TO WORRY FOR YOU" Yeosang found it in his heart to say these words. The idea that he shoved to the sideline for so long he had finally accepted, that he cared about San.

"YOU'RE ALLOWED TO.. to gIVE ME SOME CONTROL OVER MY LIFE" All the shots were taking effect, and San's words became more and more slurred and stuttered. Had he not drank so much maybe he wouldn't be saying these things, or maybe he wouldn't have fallen back under Wooyoung's spell.

"LISTEN SAN! HE IS DEFINITELY UP TO SOMETHING BAD AND, and  yoU'RE JUST FALLING FOR IT" He himself didn't know where all of this emotion was coming from, and he surely didn't mean all of it. Wooyoung just made him feel sick, and maybe just a bit jealous.

No. Very Jealous.

"THEN ILL DEAL WITH IT MYSELF."  San stood up for himself. He pointed at his body boastfully like he was proving a point. "Why dont you go face your own love problems. I heard there's a place doing family therapy. Why don't you go sort out issues with daddy. He sure would be upset if you didn't go to his funeral"

Yeosang laughed at how stupid San was being, but on the inside he was hurt, and he couldn't hold back any longer. He lost full control of his body and without thinking, he slapped San across the fave, trying to knock the idiocy out of him. "And you're much better?! A few weeks ago you had snot dripping down your face crying a river about Wooyoung. Now he's back and you act like that never happened! What the fuck is wrong with you!"

San held his face, feeling a small drop of blood emerge from nose "Whats wrong with you. Don't you have Seonghwa? Just go sleep with him. Oh wait.. you like my cock better dont you. You like me so much that you can't stand to see me with someone else. Isn't that right Kang? You're jealous aren't you"

San paused for a second to connect the dots

"D-Do you love me?!"

Do you love me?!

Do you love me?!

Do you love me?!

I fucking lov-

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