10 - We Fight

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A few weeks had passed from this moment, and while Seonghwa and Yeosang grew closer, San and Yeosang stayed at a stop sign. No progress or regress, just motionless.

San enjoyed the peace and quiet. The daily toll of bickers grew smaller, and sometimes non existent. This is what his relationship with Yeosang should be. A co-worker, nothing else.

So why did it infuriate San that Yeosang and Seonghwa became inseparable. Why did he care that Seong would always interrupt their office hours to give Yeo a hug. Why did it drive him insane that he hadn't had a proper chat with Yeosang for what felt like a year. And why did it make him want to scream and cry every time Seonghwa slipped a note in his pocket to give to Yeosang.

Yeosang came back from Seonghwa's office and seemed abnormally unresponsive. Sure the office wasn't that loud to begin with but this Yeosang was so quiet it was putting him off. San was concerned, so decided it would be fun to be a bit facetious.

"D'You enjoy Seonghwa's cock" he chuckled, and got no response from the older. He thought it was rude for him to ignore a 'genuine' question, so he persisted

"Gee ok, someone didn't fuck you in the right spot" he scoffed and turned back to face his computer.

"Im not in the mood San, just get on we have so much work to do" His tone sounded more serious than usual, suggesting that he wasn't feeling that good.

"Why, did you not like subbing, boohoo" San kept going. His number one priority was always to annoy the crap out of Yeosang.

"And like you've had sex better" Yeosang snapped, and immediately covered his mouth. He didn't even have it with Seonghwa but the words had just subconsciously left his mouth. "I have to go" and he left instantly.

"Probably back for seconds" San cursed under his breath and continued working. Anger, curiosity, jealousy, laughter. San was feeling it all


It was 2 days after their falling out. What San thought was just light hearted banter seemed to really affect Yeosang, who was now really despondent and refusing to even talk to him.

As much as he hated Yeosang, it did sort of make him feel bad to see him in such a state of low spirits. His built in sympathy started to kick in, but he didn't want to just ask him. He had a strong feeling who was the source of this new Yeosang, and he was going to confront him.

Seonghwa and San had an overlapping break, and they always spent it together to talk about things. It was now however mainly a way for Seonghwa to rant on and on and on about Yeosang and end it off by giving San a post-it.

Here it came. Their break was coming to a close and so Seonghwa had given San the usual note

Hey cutie, if you're not doing anything, can you come over to mine, i wanna kiss you again mwah

Stupid love.

He crumped the note up, and threw it in the bin.

"Hey what was that for?" Seonghwa whined. "Hwa, you're being desperate, another kiss is that all you use Yeosang for"

Seonghwa was stunned. San had never raised his voice with him. "And why do you care so much. Don't you hate Yeosang"

"Im serious. He doesn't enjoy them, i can tell" He got louder, almost shouting frustratedly. San for some reason was now incredibly defensive over Yeosang, even if both of them hated each-other to the end of the earth.

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