14 - We Reconnect

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A boring day at work meant a few hours of our favourite duo doing whatever they think of. For such unproductive people the two did their work so quickly. It was pointless because it didn't mean they could leave work earlier, although they always tried to ask once in a while

"Kang can you get me a coffee?" San asked, slouched on the couch scrolling on his phone

"Get it yourself" This was a stupid question because of course Yeosang would protest and say no.

"I cant, im still on the coffee machine ban remember" remembering the reason he actually got that ban. Yeosang reluctantly got up and made his way to the lounge to get San his espresso, at 8pm but whatever.

While waiting San opened instagram, hoping some form of entertainment would appear onto his screen. He looked around, liked some posts, watched some memes before he got a very peculiar notification.

From: Lee SuA
Choi San right? Hii its me SuA
from high school, remember me?

"Ugh" San slapped his head onto a pillow as Yeosang re-entered the room to witness his complaint. "What the hells going on in here"

"Basically" San starts. SuA was that annoying pick me girl in high school and she was all up in San's pants. Every day she'd go up to him and ask him about his day, feed him some extra food and other stuff all in an attempt to lure him into her spell. San knew she had a massive crush on him, but he never showed any interest to her. Not then, and certainly not now

"Whats she saying" Yeosang sat next to San as they both watched her typing after San replied with a simple hi and yes i remember you lol.

Lee SuA

Lee SuA
Choi San right? Hii its me SuA
from high school, remember me?

Yes i do remember you lol

Lee SuA
Thought you would.
How've you been its been ages
I haven't seen you since we graduated

Yea its been a while
im alright i guess

Lee SuA
You busy?
We should face time i wanna talk
and see your face :) 

"Im not face-timing that bitch" San put his phone down in shock that she even had the audacity to ask that

"No no no no, answer it please. I wanna see how this plays out. Also im bored as fuck" Yeosang tugged at his arm like a child bringing their parent to the ice cream truck until finally San gave in and answered the call

"Ah, Sannie i haven't seen your face in ages"

"Lee hehe, it's nice to see you to" San lied. It was the complete opposite

"Aish, still calling people by their surnames eh, Where are you, are you at work. Did i call at the wrong time? oopsie my bad"

"Its fine, im am at work actually, but
i finished all my stuff anyways, where
are you working" San continued, this conversation was incredibly unassuming but its the most entertaining thing that had happened on this night.

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