7 - We Sleep

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At 2am, the two had arrived at the location, finally. Yeosang was exhausted having to drag this second body everywhere. It was just beginning to snow when they approached the street. Taking San's keys from his pocket he opened the door, shook of the snow from both of them and laid San down on a chair

"Sannie, you're finally home?" He heard a woman call the younger's name and panicked. Who was this stranger and why was he growing jealous of her.

"Good heavens San brought home a boy this time." The woman paused entering the living room to see San passed out on a couch and another attractive young male sitting quietly next to him, shaking the snow off of his coat

"Early morning, I'm Kang Yeosang, San's colleague. We went for a few drinks and i think he drank too much, so i brought him home" He explained, sighing with relief that this woman was way too old to be San's girlfriend or wife.

"Thank you good sir. You know San always overestimates how much alcohol he can drink. Im glad your intentions were good" She thanked Yeosang for his kind act, and that he didn't take advantage of San in any way

"May i ask, why were you awake so early"

"Well, darling. I run a baking company. Choi Apples. Me and San's father, my husband Choi Jongho always chided San to join us once he became of age but he never to, saying baking wasn't for a hot, fit, strong man like him or some shit" She scoffed, looking over at the supposed hot, fit, strong man dozing off like a baby.

"I know its a bit late but would you like to try some of my apple tarts. I've been trying to perfect my recipe all night, hence why i'm awake so late"

Bringing Yeosang into the kitchen she held the plate up for him to try a piece. He brought a delectable up to his mouth and he bit straight into what felt like heaven.

"Wow, it tastes amazing" He complimented, finishing his treat. Excited, she clapped her hands and smiled. "You really think so?" To which he nodded. As enthusiastic as she was, she was also tired, and she held her back in from standing too long. Yeosang rushed to help her sit down "Thank you dear. You know when you're old and baking all the time you're back starts to hurt a lot more than it should"

"Do you not have anyone helping you" His concerned tone prevailed as he brought her a glass of water

"Not much. San is never any help and my other baker quit three months ago to pursue acting or some rubbish like that"

"Im sure i could help. I've quite the avid baker, what with my best friend running his own bakery. Im sure i could be of service" Yeosang politely offered his time to this woman to which her face lit up with excitement. "Id love that, but we can discuss more later. It's late and you should probably go home"

She looked out of the window and sighed "Oh its the snowstorm i must of forgot. You can't go home in this weather. Please use San's room. It's not like he's using it. Please take a shower as well. Here" She pulled out a pair of San's sleeping clothes from the dryer "Use these and San's towel is upstairs on the radiator, and if you're hungry there are some extra pastries over there for you to indulge. I'm going to go to bed now but please make yourself at home"

And with that, she walked up the stairs. Yeosang roamed around the house for a little while, seeing all the adorable photos of San when he was younger, resisting the urge to not scream and cry at how adorable he was. But he was tired, and decided to concede to the night. Placing a blanket over San's body and lifting his head ever so slightly to lift a pillow under his head, he tried hard to make sure he wasn't awoken.

"m-mm-.. yeosanggie, what time issit?" Mission failed. Yeosang hushed his tone and began to speak "Shhh, go back to bed San" He brought his hand to stroke San's cheek again "m-mm.. okay" and he went back to snoring faintly.


Yeosang awoke to Mrs Choi very silently creeping around the room. He watched her open drawers and rummage around in the closet  before stretching to assert his presence

"Oh i hope i didn't wake you up" She apologised "San's room is a mess, i wanted you to wake up to a nice looking room but San never cleans after himself"

"Oh i know, San's side of the office is a nightmare so i always clean after him"

"You know, you seem like you care about San a-lot" She smiled and Yeosang stiffened up. He hated San with all his might, but there was some instinct in him that cared for the younger that he couldn't explain

"I'm glad San has someone like you, i never like any of the girls that he brings home. But i'll leave you to relax. it. I have to go into the bakery today, leave whenever you feel like it" and she exited the room.

Yeosang was still tired and felt like he could do with a few extra minutes before he even thought about setting off. He placed his phone down and body slammed the pillow in an attempt to catch more zs

His peaceful slumber was interrupted by a loud thumping growing closer to the room. He could tell by the anger in the steps exactly who was trudging up the stairs.

"Get out" San announced as he entered his room yawning, stretching and very hungover. He had woken up 10 minutes prior and like Yeosang was still tired.

"No, this is what you get for leaving me with your drunk body last night" Yeosang wasn't going to budge, folding his arms to prove his dominance

"Listen Kang, either you leave by your own hand, or i kick you out of my bed. Your choice" This was shaping up to be another one of their usual bickers, and both of them surely didn't want to let the other win.

"Try me bitch" Yeosang said as San joined him in his bed. He scoffed "So you're wearing my clothes too, do you love me that much"

"Your mum loves me that much. Im sure she'd enjoy it more if i was her son" Yeosang countered flipping over to face San.

"Sure she does, but you can't bewitch everyone with your cuteness" San rolled his eyes, showing that surely he wouldn't succumb to Yeosang's charms.

"So you think im cute?" Yeosang flashed a smirk at San, who mockingly pinches Yeosang's cheek and flipped his body around to face away. "Don't be so full of yourself"

He pinched
my cheek?

Suddenly Yeosang was unable to think properly, he was struck with a force of nostalgia so powerful it overwhelmed him to the point where he felt broken. With no words being uttered to San he bolted out of the room with his belongings, and would remain out of reach for San for the next 2 days.


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