18 - We Confess

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"Ok this is weird now" Yeosang said before sipping his coffee down. It was the nth day without San and Yeosang was curious as to his whereabouts.

Not worried. Just curious.

Ok maybe a little worried.

As the clock struck 10:10, Yeosang was slumped in his office chair, throwing a rubber band ball around the room. The work he had to do for the next 3 days was complete 2 hours ago and now he had nothing to do. Sure it was good to be productive but now his job was a complete bore.

Yeosang sat up in his chair, just in time for the boss to knock on his door.

"Yeosang what are you even doing at this rate?" Hongjoong opened the door and sat down, scaring Yeosang into opening some random tabs on google and typing random numbers into a spreadsheet.

"Im umm... working?" He replied back, not knowing what answer he was meant to give.

"On what.. You've finished your tasks for the next 3 days, and even all the tasks that the other employees were behind on." The boss pursued making Yeo freeze for a minute to try and make up an excuse.

"Im ju-"

"Sit here" Joong patted on the seat next to him and Yeosang reluctantly sat next to him, remaining dormant until he was asked a question.

"Are you alright?" His boss asked "You really haven't seemed like yourself these few days, is something bothering you.." He trailed off, waiting for his answer

and an answer he did not get. Yeosang continued to sit there with no expression change whatsoever. When all he wanted to do was scream and cry he just sighed daring not to speak a single word

"... hey listen. I know we haven't been on the best terms growing up but im your cousin. I still care about you..." He paused as Yeosang's eye began to form a single tear that fell down his cheek. "Our families might hate each-other right now but... but i don't care. I still love you, both as family and an employee and want you to say if something is wrong. Come on Yeosang, grandma wouldn't want to see you upset"

The last sentence tipped Yeosang over the edge and he started to cry. Joong brought Yeo's head to his shoulder and let him be used as a pillow, wrapping his arms around his body to try and comfort his frail body.

"H-Hongjoong.." He stuttered "Im so sorry for everything. You're right, grandma wouldn't want to see me like this, or see us act like complete strangers to each-other. Its just so-"

Yeosang was cut off by Hongjoong's hand wiping the tears from his eyes. "i know, its okay, i forgive you. Now please, tell me whats going on"

Yeosang took a deep breath and began

"I don't even know what to think at this point. I feel as though i've lost control of everything and feel so alone and numb. After that argument with San i've just been feeling confused on what to think. Its just-.. I.. Do i hate him or do i love him? He makes me feel so angry, so annoyed and vulnerable but at the end of the day..

i just want to be with him.

Forget about all the fights we've had, all the rude comments we've exchanged, all the girls he's relentlessly fucked. I just want to be safely tucked away in his arms. Am i stupid? Am i crazy for thinking someone like him could ever share the same feelings? I know he doesn't but theres just a small part of me that.. you know.. wants to believe"

Us // SanSangOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora