🦍 Chapter Forty Five 🦍

Comenzar desde el principio

She couldn't lift him and he was in no state to walk so she undid the tent leaving him on top of the mattress. She was going to drag him to a shade with him on top of it, it would make things easier for her to move James.

James didn't like the sun and flinched when Lulu exposed him to it.

"What are you doing?"James muttered looking up at Lulu.

"Moving you, hold on tight."Lulu replied grabbing the edges of the air mattress.

It was hard to get a grip but she managed eventually, dragging James across the rocky surface towards a shade under some rocks. By the time she was done dragging him all two hundred meters, her arms felt like they were falling off and she was out of breath.

"When we get out of here, the massage I get will be on you."Lulu heaved as she dropped heavily onto the air mattress next to James.

"Deal."James replied lifting his hand to caress her face.

"You're my brave girl, I love you so much."James confessed looking at her adoringly.

"I love you too but I'm really worried about your fever, you might have an infection."Lulu replied.

"I'll be fine, I have you."James said confidently.

Lulu gave him a sad smile knowing that she was barely holding on herself but she couldn't let him see it. She had to be brave for the both of them.

"Now onto the next thing, getting out of here. Any suggestions?"Lulu asked James turning to look at him.

James stared at Lulu struggling between trying to help her and staying awake. He was not feeling his best self and he knew Lulu could see that. She was so strong, his beautiful fierce queen. If not for her quick thinking and acting, they would not have survived that fall.

James knew that letting Lulu go back on her own would be risky since she could get lost but it was the only way they would find help. James needed help the most so even if it hurt letting his girl go into the unknown he had to do it for both of them to survive.

"There's a path in between this rocks, it leads to the back of the plateau. You'll have to climb up when you get there, it's steep but I know you can do it. Once you get to the top, listen for the waterfall and follow it. From there you'll find your way back to where we had parked the car. The tire tracks will lead you directly back the way we came. Please don't stray from the tracks. If you keep on the path, you'll find help soon."James instructed.

He had talked too much so his lungs were burning and he couldn't breath well.

"Hey Jamie, it's okay, I get it. I'll be careful and will come back for you as soon as I find help."Lulu assured him. "But first let me set you up properly so you'll be comfortable."

Lulu kissed his forehead before straightening up. She made sure the air mattress was propped up properly without any sharp stones underneath and was under the shade so that even when the sun rose more James would not be under direct sunlight. Lulu also made sure that James had enough water to last him a few hours until she was back.

"Please drink enough water, it will keep you hydrated. Try not to walk either and have faith that I'll be back."Lulu requested kneeling next to James.

"Be careful please, I love you."James whispered.

"I love you more, please hold on for me."Lulu replied her voice cracking.

She didn't want to leave James especially with his fever and broken leg but she had to. Her leaving gave them a good chance of survival because if she didn't, they would probably never be found.

Queen Of The Plains ( The Matriarchy Series Book 2)✔️ Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora