She couldn't move or speak, all she could do was tremble in shock and opened and closed her mouth a few times before an emotional cry gasped from her mouth and she slid down the wall. Draco ran over to her and kneeled before her, lifting her face to his and he studied every inch of it. Her pale skin was covered in dirt and blood, her cheek and lips were swollen and bleeding, her eyes puffy and red and her once vibrant hair was almost unrecognizable with all the mud in it. He felt anger rise in him at seeing her in such a state and his emotions started to surface and he couldn't help the swell of tears that stung his eyes.

"Ginny? It's ok........ I'm here.... are you alright?" he choked out gently grabbing her shoulders.

The sound of Draco's voice reaching her ears made the tears start to freely flow; she couldn't believe he was here..... was this real? She just continued to shake in disbelief and then she felt him unlock her shackles and he grabbed one of her hands. As soon as he did this he saw her turn angry and turned to Percy, who was standing behind Draco with his wand drawn.

"Don't.... move or you both.....  die." he fought out as he was a bit shocked at the brutal attack Draco just inflicted upon the other Death Eater.

Soon the others met up with Draco and they all had their wands drawn on Percy, who placed his wand down in defeat and held his hands up.

"YOU TRAITOROUS BASTARD!" George yelled, grabbing him roughly by the shirt and slamming him hard against the wall. "WORKING WITH THE SAME PEOPLE THAT MURDEDRED FRED.......YOUR OWN BROTHER!" he bellowed with rage and Arthur grabbed him back to try and calm him.

Nobody had ever seen George act like this, he wasn't normally an angry person and they were surprised at his reaction.

Arthur turned to Percy. "How could you do this? To your sister, to your family......... you are no son of mine."

"Please, Father, I'm glad to hear you say that, your all stupid if you think you stand any chance against Lucius. In the end....... I rather be on the winning side of things." he spat.

"YOU SON OF BITCH!" Ron ran forward, grabbing him and sent his fist flying across his face and then brought it back again landing another one to his nose.

"RON STOP!" Bill said, pulling him back off of Percy.

Percy leapt forward and grabbed his wand and went to send a curse at Ron when he was hoisted back against the wall and found himself in a fiery bind. Ginny walked over to him holding a deadly flame in her hand and was ready and willing to bring an end to her traitorous brother.

"GINNY NO!" Arthur yelled, grabbing her arm tightly. "You don't want to do this." he whispered to her.

She turned to look at her Father, she could see the hurt in his eyes, which only made her want to hurt Percy even more, but she knew he was right and with that she distinguished the flame and released the binds around her brother. Percy fell to the ground, breathing heavily and before he could say anything else Bill knocked him unconscious.

"We need to get out of here, but with this large of a group that might be impossible. Mnerva,  use the Port Key we made to get to the new location and Arthur and I will go with Ginny to travel by floo." Kingsley said.

"I'm staying with Ginny" Draco demanded.

"Very well, come on you lot lets go." McGonagall said quickly taking out a pocket watch with a long chain.

The rest of them grabbed a hold of the chain to the watch and felt a familiar tug behind their navels and were soon gone. Kinglsey walked over to Percy's unconscious body and collected a vial of memories from him to later examine.

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