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Lia's pov:

I just finished my scene with Jess and it was AMAZING! I'm really excited for the fans to see it.

Now i'm in my trailer and packing my stuff to go back to Cat's house.

"Hey want a ride home?" Jessica asked, swinging by my trailer.

"No i'm good! I'm gonna walk since it's so sunny and fresh." I said kinda exaggerating about the weather.

"Okay well just text ur mom to know that you're walking." She said leaving.

I finish packing some of my things and put my airpods in my hears and decided to play my favourite

As i get out of set, i can see how much outside is pretty, you know? green grass, the sun shine so bright that if you look at it, you almost get bind, the smell of fresh air because of the little wind. It makes me feel safe. No let me rephrase that, I feel safe because I know that I have a family now, ready to kill themselves to save me. If i was still at Rick and Adele's ( stepdad and mom names) house, i wouldn't feel safe, hell i think i would be dead right now.

I enjoy my music and i'm almost at home i feel someone follow me, not like right behind me but a car, slowly passing by me everytime i pass by them. It was until now that I realized, it's Adele's car, my birthmom.

"Lia you dumb bitch!" She screamed though the window.

I tired to run since i was only a few streets away from mom's house but Rick got out of the car and followed me. He pushed me down in the street and took me by force and put me in the back of the car while he sit in the front.

Okay Lia breathe, just like Mom showed you how, just breathe, everything will be okay. I carefully take my phone and text Chyler since she's the last one i texted. Then everything goes black.

Chyler's pov:

I calmed down Cat with Milla and everything is okay. We were now just chatting about our kids or things like that. Cat told us that she called her lawyer and that they're trying to find evidence and everything to see if they can go to court against her birthmom and stepdad.

My phone buzzed and saw it was Lia texting.

"Hey guys I just realized, shouldn't Lia be home now since she finished 45mins ago?" I asked them.

"She texted me that she was walking to come here since she needed some sun. Why?" Cat said taking her phone too.

"Um well uhh, she just texted me 911." I showed them the text.

Cat's face goes white, just like if she's seen a ghost.

"Hey Cat it's okay, she's a smart kid, everything will be okay." Milla tried to reassure her.

"Check her location." Cat commend me.

"She's at 1102 6th'streets." I said.

"THAT'S HER FUCKING OLD HOUSE!!!! WITH RICK AND ADELE WTF IS SHE DOING WITH THEM???" Cat got up and put some slippers on and went to the house. Of course we followed her.

It was now 9pm, we had to stop before we got there because Cat started to do a panic attack.

"What if they take her again forever? Like sheMs my little girl and I promised her i'll take care of her and i failed. I failed at being a mother i- What if they beat her?" She panicked.

"Hey hey i'm sure she's okay." Milla tried to get Cat back in the car.

"SHE COULD BE VERY DEAD RIGHT NOW! Adele was so mad when she went to set the other day! I can't imagine how worse Rick could be. I need to go save her please." She begged.

"Call the police." I said to Milla.

When we got to Lia's old house, everything was dark. The door was unlocked, Cat ran to Lia's room. Me and Milla went to checked if the parents were there.

The car was here but we couldn't find them. As we started to go upstairs we heard scream, Cat's scream.

We ran as fast as we could until we find a horror scene.


Lia was in her bed, so beaten up we couldn't recognize her, she had no clothes on her and.. her arms were drowning in blood.

Cat was shaking and she backed down at the door since she couldn't handle the sight. "Milla?" I said still in shock. "MILLA!" I screamed and she jumped. "Check her pulse" I shakily said. "CHECK HER FUCKING PULSE!" I was now panicked as reakity just hit me. "No-No pulse" She was now crying. We were all crying. "Okay, we're surgeons, well fakes
ones but we are trained how to do cpr and everything. So Milla put a blanket on her, get on ber and start cpr, Cat?" I asked. But she couldn't move.

"CAT????" I asked louder. She looked at me and her face broke my heart, she was crying silently, and her eyes, the worry in her eyes oh my god. "Go outside and wait for the police." I said getting her up. She walked out as if it was a robot controlling her body.

Caterina's pov:

I take deep breath as i'm outside waiting for the police. I need to be brave. But right now my daugjter as no pulse, in her old room, where she was beaten up, raped and where she cutted herself. I can't lose her. I feel like i'm loosing her.

"Hey are you Caterina?" A police officer asked.

"Lia is in there, she has no pulse please we can't find her birthmom or stepdad and in case you asked, i took her in when they kicked her out and by now she's my daughter, i'm working to get custody of her and adopt her so please save her please." I ranted.

Many police officer and ambulances came. Paramedics went into the house and took Lia in the ambulance. I don't get why there's two others.

That was until, I saw them. They killed themselves. Rick and Adele. They are dead, and They reanimated Lia.

"Stay here guys please, go tell the other cast idc i'm going with her at the hospital." I said.

We were driving to the hospital, when she flatlined again.

Oopsie? hope yall still loves me. What will Happen? Does Lia die? Does she Lives? Will she lives like before? Leave suggestions in the comments! Also, i love when yall are commenting youre reaction it's making me laugh and also my day. Hope yall have a good day! Don't forget to eat and drink water.
Have a good day/night.
Love yall xx

the story of my lifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon