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okay before continuing this chapter, the end of my last chapter didn't save?? so yall got left on a cliffhanger or something. So this will be the end of my last chapter and the new chapter <3

Lia's pov:

I went to my trailer and start to pack my things when i heard a knock on my door. I opened it and Sarah jumped in my trailer. She looks worried?

"What's up?" I asked.

"It's Cat.. she's having a breakdown." Sarah said.

"What???" and with that I ran as fast as i could not knowing where she would be but my guts telling me that she's still where we shot the scene.

I went to hug her since it's what that always calmed her down and it seems like it work but she' still panicking.

"Hey mom what's wrong?" I asked worried.

"I'm-I-I'm scared..." She spoke through sobs.

"About what?" I asked confused.

"I-I" She started but broke down again.

"Okayyy mom let's go somewhere private" I said leading her to her trailer.

Once we get there I sat with her on the couch.

"Why would you think that?" I questioned her in a soft tone.

"I don't know... I'm scared that it's not gonna work or that I will do something wrong and you will hate me and leave me and I wouldn't take it if you leave me sweetheart you're my happiness." She said calming down and looking at me in the eyes.

I hug her.

"That's not gonna happen you wanna know why?" I asked her.


"Because you are the best thing that ever happened to me mom ok? You're so good at what you're doing and even if you do something wrong I could never hate you. It is normal everyone does mistakes okay? You're my light in the darkness mom. I love you so much." I said kissing her head.

Wow. Now i feel like the grow up lmao.

"I love you too sweetie sorry for worrying you." She said standing up and getting ready to go home.

"Mom don't you ever feel sorry okay? It is very normal that sometimes you cry or you're scared
okay? Now let's go home and relax." I said.

"Okay" Mom said grabbing my hand and walked us to the car.

She holds my hand the whole time to go home and I won't lie it's calming me down but at the same time she never did that.

Once we are at home, mom still held my hand and i don't even know why.

"Well imma go to my room." I said about to go.

"NO- i mean no, let's go bake something together." She said smiling at me.

"Okay what do you wanna bake?" I asked while walking to the kitchen still holding hands with her seeing as she doesn't let go.

"What about brownies?" Mom asked opening  the fridge finally letting go of my hand.

"yeah sure!" I said.

You know it's not a lot of days that we can do a lot because we are mostly tired from filming but I don't know today mom seems like she wanna do other things then watching movies. I'm just glad i get to have time with her.

We finished baking and put the brownies in the oven when mom take my hand and lead me to the living room to watch a movie while the brownies are baking.

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