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Lia's pov:

"Hey we are here" I heard through the doorway. Cat is still cuddled to me. Thank god Jess and Milla are here. "Heyyy- oh wow Cat you seem comfy" Milla said laughing. "Yeh I am" She said smiling. "Cat i need to talk to you tho so can you come with me?" Milla asked. Mom looked kinda sad but she got up and went away with Milla.

"Thank god i'm hungry and my arm was starting to get numb" I said. Jess laughed.

"So what happened? Why is she so clingy on you?" She asked confused.

"Well basically we did a scene together and it was an angsty one and yeh it felt really real and Mom panicked because she thought i was gonna leave her" I rambled.

"Okay well um Milla is gonna talk to her and in case you forgot we have a scene in 2hours so we should probably head to set" Jess reminded me.

"Oh yeh shoot let me tell mom" I ran to find her and Milla. Found them outside on some swing for babies- i'm not gonna ask but ok.

"Mom I have a scene with Jessica so I need to got" I was ready to her jumping on me and say don't go but nothing happened

"Okay baby have fun I'll be making dinner for when you come back." She said blowing me a kiss.

I blew her one back and left with Jessica.

"So, you know what we should do?" Jess asked me

"Umm idk?" I say trying to find a good song on the radio.

"We should play 21 questions" She squealed in excitement. what is she 5?

"Umm, isn't that a kid game?" I frown my eyebrows in confusion.

"Yeh but it's fun!! I'll go first! Have you ever had a pet?" She said also concentrating on the road.

"Yeh! Two cats and a dog but they died when i was young. My turn, fav song?" I asked still trying to find a good song until i stop on "Shut up and dance" from walk the moon.

"I have so many but i like this one a lot" she start singing.

I love this song too so i join her on the chorus and we spend the rest of the car ride singing some songs that we both like.

I hope Chy and Milla can calm down Cat because i love her but today was overwhelming a little bit. I know the scene might have triggered her into thinking i will leave her but no, i dont wanna leave. She's my mom and i won't ever forget everything she's done for me.

Hi yalllll<3 i am back!
I started with a little chapters but i'm thinking about what i could do in the next ones! I hope yall had a good christmas break and hope school isn't murdering all of you! Love you all! Eat water and drink food (as i said today to one of my coworkers) and hope yall have a good day/night!

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