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Lia's pov:

We've been filming since 5am this morning and gosh i am so tired. It is currently 4pm and i'm kinda stressed about if my mom really is gonna find me or something.

I was currently filming a scene with Caterina and Jessica when i heard shouting coming from behind.


Oh no. My mom is here. fuck fuck fuck.

"Um excuse me i need to go." I said running off, Caterina following me.

"THERE YOU ARE YOU STUPID BITCH!!" My mom run to me grabbing my arm, digging her nails.


"I'm sorry, Lia can't leave. We are filming a scene right now." Caterina said.

"Who the fuck are you??" My mom said.

"I'm her co-star, Caterina. Now please, Let go of Lia and get out or we are calling security." I knew Caterina was trying to not punch her in the face.

"Why are you speaking? It's between me and my daughter?!?!" My mom shouted.

"Since when are you acting like a mother to her?" Cat asked.

Holy shit. Tea tea tea tea tea. Okay no I need to focus.

"I'm sorry but who do you think you are to say this??" My mom asked screaming.

"I'm the one who took Lia in when she had no home because you and your boyfriend keep doing things to her. I'm more acting like a mother to her in the past two months that you ever did to her in her whole life!!!" Cat said putting me behind her to protect me.

I was about to say something when my mom slapped me in the face. "What did you went saying to everyone you brat!!!" My mom said.


Caterina's pov:

When i saw Lia's mom slapped her i had enough. "THAT'S IT I'M CALLING SECURITY!" I shouted.

Not even 10sec after i called it, they showed up and escorted Lia's mom out of set.

When i turn around, Lia was crying silently. I asked gently the director if we can take a break. They said yes so I picked up Lia, her legs around my waist like a koala.

On our way to my trailer, i saw Camilla, Chyler and Sarah already there.

"Hey we heard what happened.. we just wanted to see if Lia was okay." Chyler said.

"I don't know but now she's asleep." I said looking at the sleeping girl in my arms.

We all entered my trailer and i lied down Lia on the couch.

"Okay you need to tell me exactly what happened." Sarah whispered.

"I don't know to be honest.. We were doing a scene when we heard shouting and Lia exactly knew it was her mom and then she ended up slapping Lia and that's when i lost my nerves and called security." I said trying to remember what the fuck just happened in the past 10minutes.

Camilla was about to answer something when Eric and Justin broke through the trailer.

"IS LIA OK? IS SHE HURTS??" Justin asked too loud, waking up Lia.

"Justin stop i'm okay." We heard a little voice.

"Oh i'm sorry come here." Justin said putting lia's head in his lap. He's such a dad with her awwww.

Eric then went on the couch too and stroke her hair. stopp since when they became soft.

"Cat can i ask you something?" Lia said starting to tear up.

"Of course honey. Ask anything you want." I pushed away Justin and Eric a little so that lia can now rest on my laps.

"It's okay if you don't want to but.. I want you to adopt me. I can't continue living with them it hurts too bad. I just can't anymore." She's now fully crying.

I hate seeing her cry. It hurts me too. I know people would judge me if i adopt her but i don't care. My daughter needs me. Lia needs me. I'm going to do everything i can for her to be okay.

"Of course sweetie." I said stroking her hair.

"Really?" She asked looking in my eyes.

"Lia, She wants to believe me, she just talks about you everytime and we want you in the family. You're one of us now.. we all love you and want you to be safe." Sarah said.

"Exactly, you guys needs to do it. Lia you're damaging yourself because of your mom and stepdad. They shouldn't be doing that. They should be loving you. I think we can all know that they don't and that they're just making you hell. But us, we love you. Like a lot lot. It would make us feel better if we know that ur safe under Caterina's custody." Chyler said.

"Yall really think it's the best thing to do?" I asked crying and saw that Lia was crying too.

"Yeah." They all said unless Eric.

"I think it's the best thing ever because i would know that my niece is okay. Also Cat please make me the godfather please please please." Eric said.

"No wtf Eric i'm gonna be the godfather of my niece right Cat??" Justin asked.

"OUR niece." Camilla said.

"Okay yall stop fighting okay? Eric and Justin you guys can be both godfather idc as long as i have a mom who loves me and you guys." Lia said.

"Okay so we do this?" I asked.

"We do this." Lia said.

We then get up and makes a big group hug.

Hey yall sorry for my inactivity!! I started working and school starts tomorrow so i'm pretty stressed but here is a new chapter.

Leave all suggestions in the comments and have yall a good day/night mwah xx


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