spending time with friends!

Start from the beginning

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Kamala yells playfully at whoever is ringing the door bell.

Kamala opens the front door and happily sees Elizabeth, Cory, Kirsten, Amy, Chuck and Nancy all standing together with many Christmas presents in their hands.

"Hi, guys! Come on in, make yourselves at home!" Kamala says happily with a humungous smile on her face as Elizabeth, Cory, Kirsten, Amy, Chuck and Nancy all walk into the house.

Kamala, Elizabeth, Cory, Kirsten, Amy, Chuck and Nancy all walk into the living room together with Elizabeth, Cory, Kirsten, Amy, Chuck and Nancy putting all of the bags down before they each give Kamala a big hug.

"It is so good to FINALLY see you sis!" Cory says, squeezing Kamala into a hug.

"It is so good to see you brother and all of you! How are you feeling, Cory! And you too, Elizabeth? How are you two since having covid? Also, let's sit down and chat! We need to catch up!" Kamala says to Corey, Elizabeth, Kirsten, Amy, Chuck and Nancy as they all sit down on the couches.

"I feel a little tired still but I feel great other than that! What about you, Cory?" Elizabeth says to Kamala and Cory.

"Without the three vaccines, I would have been so sick! I'm still tired as well but I'm getting better each day." Cory says to everyone.

"I am so grateful that Doug or myself haven't gotten it. We are extremely careful! I mean, we would be both fine if we got it but we are more worried about Devi catching it. Also Jacob too since we see him a lot." Kamala says to Elizabeth, Cory, Kirsten, Amy, Chuck and Nancy.

"We got to keep those little babies safe! Since they aren't old enough to get vaccinated just yet, all of us need to work hard and keep them safe." Amy says out loud with everyone agreeing with her.

"My boys are both fully vaccinated! Easiest decision I probably ever made as a parent. A lot of their friends have either had covid or their parents have had it and they don't want it." Kirsten says to everyone.

"Rosario's daughter is vaccinated! Isabella made the choice herself since she is an adult now and of course Rosario supported her choice and so do I. I'm just glad she is vaccinated as well." Cory says to everyone.

"Both of my children and grandchildren are vaccinated! I'm so happy all of them have that protection." Elizabeth says with a grin.

"Everyone in my family is vaccinated except my grandson Noah because he isn't old enough." Chuck says as Nancy nods and lays her head on Chuck's shoulder, causing Kamala to awe loudly and happily.

"Oh the love birds!" Kamala says playfully to Chuck and Nancy as Elizabeth, Cory, Kirsten and Amy all laugh loudly.

"Oh, you and Doug don't know?" Chuck asks Kamala and Kamala gets confused on what Chuck is talking about.

"Don't know what?" Kamala asks Chuck on confusion.

"Chuck proposed on New Years! We are getting married!" Nancy says as Kamala gasps happily.

"WHAT! Oh my gosh! That's amazing! Congratulations!" Kamala says as she cheers and hugs both Chuck and Nancy.

"Thank you!" Chuck and Nancy both say in unison with big cheeky smiles.

"Jeez you guys don't tell me anything!" Kamala says playfully to Elizabeth, Cory, Kirsten and Amy, causing all of them to laugh.

"I thought you already knew, sis!" Cory says to Kamala with a giggle.

"I just found out yesterday!" Amy says as she giggles too.

"Do Joe and Jill know?" Kamala asks both Nancy and Chuck.

Kamala & Doug: A Dream Come True Where stories live. Discover now