restaurant. (18+)

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"Yeah, are you new to the Encanto?" his eyes lit up, with me standing next to him patiently. I was just happy to see him socialise with something other than his rats for once.

"Sure am, moved down from Pereira about a week ago to help open my brother's restaurant." She chirped back. 

The woman seemed to be around 35, so only slightly younger than me and Bruno. I could see where this was going.

"So, Madrigal- do you have a first name?" she smiled, pencil still in hand.

"Oh, yeah. I'm Bruno." 

God, he was so oblivious to her flirting- It was funny though, I'd let this play out. I'll have to rip her teeth out another day.

"I heard you see into the future, maybe I'll pop by and have a reading done soon..." She wrote something on her board, still avoiding my eyes.

"Sure, I'd be happy to help if you need to see something specific." Bruno fiddled with his fingers, excited to have someone be interested in his gift for the first time in a while. Poor guy.

"Great, I'll come 'round... say tonight, at 9 pm?" she held the clipboard to her chest. This interaction was going on for longer than I'd like now.

"He's busy." 

Bruno looked at me confused, but didn't protest once he saw the death stare I was giving this bitch.

She looked equally as displeased, a grin masking some very frustrating feelings towards me. Her eyes told me everything though.

"Okay then, just follow me." 

I smiled, linking my arm with Bruno's as we followed after the woman.

We were led to a nice table near the back of the restaurant. It was one of those where the wall closed off the other side so you had to sit down from the other. A small candle sat in the centre, silverware already laid out.

Small vines snaked around the pillars next to us, going nicely with the wooden table.

I sat opposite Bruno, as the waitress handed us our menus.

"I'll be back in a little while, take your time choosing." She gave one last smile to my husband, before walking off to tend to the other tables.

"I hate her." 

Bruno looked up from his menu, facing me with a confused expression.

"What why?"  

"She was flirting with you, amor." I looked amused, he was never really the type to catch on when a woman wanted to get in his pants.

This had become obvious to me when we were first dating all those years ago.

"She was?" he paused. 

"Oh, yes. I see now." he nodded, gaze returning to scan the menu.

I chuckled, trying to pick something out from the wide range of dishes. I doubt anything would compare to Julieta's cooking but I was pretty hungry, and these options sounded pretty good.

A few moments later a familiar face approached us again. 

"Decided yet?"

"Yeah, I'll have the bandeja paisa." I hummed, gaining Bruno's attention. His head perked up at my words. "Yeah that sounds pretty good, I'll have the same." he smiled at the woman.

"Sure thing- So about that reading..." she put a hand on her hip, leaning against the table as to block my view.

Are you serious?

Bruno Madrigal x Reader - (18+)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ