Training with Lisa!

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Before we get started this is kind of a recap of the chapter or I can say its like the last chapter but from Lisa's point of view and a few new stuff happens. Anyways lets get into it!
Also sorry I keep doing part 1's and part 2's


Lisa POV: "Lisa! Do you have a minute?" I hear amber yell while running into the library.
"Please keep your voice down and of course dear what is it?" I say with a small smile. It's been a while since I've seen amber because I'm always working, she's like a sister to me.

"Sorry, but remember how we are going to be infiltrating the abyss mages lair?" Amber than starts to walk up towards me. "Ah yes I've quite heard from Jean that I will be helping out." I then put the books back on the shelves and invite amber to sit down.

"Ah well we got more help, from albedo and sucrose! We also got Razor to help us to!" She says with a smile. "Ah well that's great, the more help will benefit us. We do need to start training though because the abyss mage is very powerful, and we never know what will happen."

"Excellent that you brought that up! We were actually hoping to start training today, but we need everyone. We have everyone along with sucrose, except for albedo and razor, so that's where you come in, we were hoping you could gather everyone up and help with training!" Amber exclaims while starting to stand up.

"I suppose I could try to find them, I know probably razor is in wolvendom and we can ask sucrose where she has seen albedo, but it might take me a minute." I then sigh, I do have a lot on my schedule but if I can help fight the abyss mage's then I won't mind.

"Ah thank you so much Lisa! You don't know how much this helping me out, and remember to tell them not to tell anyone about what we are doing, we don't want people to worry!" Amber says while running up to me and hugging me. "Well of course darling after all, you have done so much for me as well and don't worry I'll make sure to tell them." I say while patting her head. She is just like a little sister to me.


Still Lisa's POV: I start to walk in the forest trying to find Razor but he isn't there? I think of all the possible places he could be but no where to be found. I end up seeing Fischl and Mona walking next to eachother. But it seems a little quiet between them?

"Excuse me Fischl and mona, I hope I don't intrude but have you two seen Razor?" I then start to walk up to them. "Oh hello Lisa, one might say I have seen him right around the wind temple, he's with Bennet picking up stuff, I hope this information will help you." Mona says with a smile.

"Ah thank you, have a good day you two." I then walk away waving my hands. I then see in the distance Bennet picking up some blankets and thats when I see Razor walking over to him with stuff. As I'm about to head over there, I see Bennet grabbing Razors hand, the two staring into each other. I don't wanna ruin a moment but maybe its not so important?

"Listen I..." I hear him say. Just then I start running to them. "Razor! Are you ready to train?" I exclaim. "What is Lisa doing here?" Razor says now looking at me. "Well amber told me to come get you to train for the big event." I say while walking to Razor.

"Big event? Razor what is she talking about?" Bennet asks very confused. Oh no he can't know! I end up grabbing Razor and they all looked shocked. "Sorry Bennet we can't say to people who aren't apart of it. Let's go now dear we need to train a lot." I say with a smile. I'm happy to see Razor and he looks happy to see me.

"Sorry Bennet...let's talk later." Razor says a bit sadly while walking away with me. When I look back I see Bennet a little sad. "Sorry if I interrupted anything I hope it wasn't anything to important." Razor then pats my shoulder. "You ok, Bennet can tell me later, this is important."

I smile. Razor is such a sweet boy, I use to train with him so he could become a great electro user. He has been doing very well. "Thats good, now next we need to get albedo, we need him for the mission to." All of a sudden Razor lights up. "I know albedo must be painting near the end of dragonspine, let's check there." Razor says as he starts walking in the direction to dragonspine.

We start to walk but I can't help but wonder what was Bennet going to say? To be honest I know about Bennet liking Razor , its pretty obvious because of the way he looks at him. The way he acts around him, the way he talks to him, its pretty obvious. Razor is the only one who can't tell because he's clueless. In fact I can tell a lot of people like Razor, just by looking at the way they act around him.

We continue walking till we get to dragonspine. "Razor are you sure you don't wanna get something warm?" I ask to make sure he won't cold. "Yes, Razor like cold, I use to it." He says as he starts walking. I follow him and we end up seeing albedo painting at his base. "Hello albedo." Razor says while walking up to him. "Ah razor hello it's good to see you, and nice to make your acquaintance Lisa." He say's with a small smile.

"Hello darling, listen we need to for help with the abyss mage, we are going to train today and we were wondering if you would like to join." I then smile. Albedo closes his book gently and walks up to me and Razor. "Sure, I've been reading about some stuff to help sucrose with her alchemy stuff and I don't really have anything to do so what not?" He says with a small smile. He pats razor and he looks back at me once again.

"Great! Lets go back now." We start to head back and razor and albedo are talking, mostly albedo though. We arrive to see everyone mostly training. "Well then she'll be get ready boys?" I say with a smirk. "If you're ready I advise you to train your element the best, it's going to be a great help to us.


I'm so sorry everyone that I haven't been making chapters recently. I have had covid and it wasn't getting better till about a week ago. I really hope you can forgive me, and I know this isn't much but I'll hopefully try to write more. Thank you all for your concerns and I'm fine now. I have mostly recovered, love you all!! <33

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