What is love??

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Razor's POV: Its a Sunday afternoon. Like always though, i'm out with Klee fish blasting. Albedo couldn't come with us because he was busy so he asked me to make sure Klee wont get in trouble.

There are about still 4 weeks till I have to get ready to fight the abyss mages,which is not a lot of time to get ready, but I promised Klee I would hang out with her today.

"Razor do you wanna try fish blasting?!" Klee said while holding out a bomb."Razor does not think safe, Razor will pass."I say with a calm smile."Ahh ok but you cant just sit all day! Ooo how about we go see what Bennett's up to!"

We then start to walk around the forest to look for Bennet. He spends most of his time training  in the forest so I'm guessing he's here. But to my surprise he's here with...Fischel??

Klee's POV: There is Bennett! He's with his girlfriend Fischel, she's so brave and cool! Bennet and her are talking while Razor looks.. sad?"Hi Bennett! Hi Fischel!" I say waving at them while I hold Razor's hand. Razor just politely waves.

"Oh hey guy's whats-" Fischel gets cut off by Bennett yelling Razor and going over to hug Razor.Fischel looks jealous for some reason? I'm really confused whats going on here. I never have seen Bennett and Razor all touchy touchy till now.

"Bennett hugging..to tight"Razor manages to say before Bennett let go."Oh sorry Razor! Its just good seeing you!"I then start jumping up and down."You guys wanna go on a walk with me and Razor?We we're bored so we went to go find you two!"I ask with a excited face.

Then Fischel goes up running to Bennett and clinging to his arm."Sorry but me and Bennett already have plans maybe another time!" She says with a mischievous smile.Something about her looks off, while Razor is standing there in defeat for some reason.

Bennet's POV: Me and Fischel didn't make plans...I wonder why she said that. I really wanted to hang out with Razor today and hang out with Klee but mostly Razor...

"Oh..ok, see you guys later.."Razor says. As they walk off I see Razor with a sad smile.'Oh no! Did I make him sad?? Ah I'm sorry Razor!! I wish I could hug him again."Fischel why did you say we had plans?! We could've hung out with them!"I say a bit angrily as I gently push her away.

"W-well I just wanted to hang out together alone, after all we are dating! You always hang out with razor. Not that I don't like him! He's so cool! But I miss when we just hung out you know?"Fischel said with a sad expression.

'I should probably tell her before I break her heart even more..'I think in my mind."Fischel... there is something I should probably tell you..I don't think...I feel like..I um..." I can't think of the right words to say."Sorry I didn't know you felt that way."I end up saying.

"Ah it's fine Bennett! And I guess it's fine if you hang out with them today, but we are hanging to tomorrow!! Bye benny love you!"Fischel says and she kisses my cheek and runs off.'Oh god I better find Razor and Klee quick'

No ones POV:Bennett explores the forest as he try's to find Razor and Klee to hang out with them. At the near end of the forest, Bennett is able to catch up to them while they were talking.

Klee then makes Razor sit down and she puts.. flower crowns on their head.Bennett then sees Razor playing with his flower crown.'Oh my lord- why does that look so cute on him?!' Bennett thinks. Just then Razor looks in Bennet's direction.

"Bennett here??"Razor said surprised I was near."Yea I decided to hang out with you guys!" He says with a smile as he helps Razor up."Yay!! I'll be back you guys imma get some sleep wolf hook!" Then Klee was about to go when Razor grabbed her hand.

"How I know you safe, and no trouble?" Razor said with a serious face."Don't worry about me!! Ill just be over near tree!" She then runs away and its just the two of them, a strong wolf boy, and a bad luck boy.

Bennet's POV: We stand in silence for a bit then Razor asks me a question that shocks me. "Bennet...what's love?"He says as he looks at me with concerned eyes.

"WAIT YOU DONT KNOW WHAT LOVE IS?! NO WAY!!"I yell. Im really surprised. I thought Klee told him or something. Or at least he thought me and Fischel were in love."Sorry.. I don't know love." Razor says as he looks away disappointed."Ah no its ok! I just thought you would have knew."I scratch the back if my head

"Well how do I explain it...love is an intense, deep affection for another person... like you know you love them when you feel all warm inside and they make you happy! You also find them very attractive!"I say with a smile.

Here this is what it looks like how they are taking:

Here this is what it looks like how they are taking:

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"So..Razor love's Bennet??" He says getting a bit closer.'W-WAIT HUH WHAT DOES HE MEAN HE LOVES OH MY GOD DOES HE FEEL THE SAME WAY?!'I think in my head.

"W-what are you talking about Razor heh.." I say as I feel us getting a bit more closer."Well Bennet make Razor feel warm...its hard to describe."He says looking away.

There is no way he likes me...he probably just dose not understand."Razor I don't think you actually like me. Its probably just as friends!" This is hurting my heart so much.

"Oh ok..sorry Razor make Bennet feel weird." Razor says as he goes back."Oh you didn't make me feel weird! I-its uhh.."I can't fine the right words."Lets just go find Klee okay?"I then gesture my hand so Razor can hold it. It s what we usually do, but he just goes on ahead??



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