While Cerce started hunting for swimsuits, which she insisted on since they were at the beach, Luke hung out near the accessories.  He figured maybe there was some cool Trabachian necklace he could wear that he could show off or something.  Then his eyes fell on something amazing.  It was a girl’s accessory, a hairclip, in the shape of a white flower.  He instantly wanted to see Cerce wear it.  Somehow he had the feeling it would look amazing on her.  He picked up the clip and held it in his hand.

            “How cute!  Is this for me?” Cerce said behind him.

            Luke jumped as she grabbed it out of his hands.  She walked over to the changing room.

            “Guard the door and don’t let anyone in here.”

            Luke stood in front of the door for a few minutes while Cerce changed.

            When she opened the door, she was dressed in a sky blue bikini and had the hairclip in her hair.

            “Well,” Cerce gave him a spin.  “How do I look?”

            Luke couldn’t speak.  He didn’t know what was coming over him, but something had been happening to him lately.  It was as if he was drawn to her.  Every time they touched, Luke felt sparks flying wherever they made contact.  He felt himself wanting to be close to her all the time, and a strange sense of longing when they were separated.  And now, just seeing her was enough to get a reaction from him.  He couldn’t understand this feeling he had.  He felt things toward Cerce that he never felt towards anyone else before.

            Luke’s dumbstruck reaction made Cerce blush.  She couldn’t believe that she was able to render Luke speechless!  What could that mean?  Could they share similar feelings towards each other?

            Cerce quickly decided that she would buy what she was wearing.  Luke’s reaction was better than anything she could have possibly imagined, and she couldn’t let it go to waste.


            After finishing up their purchases, which included a bathing suit for Luke, they changed and walked along the pier together.  They continued on until they found a bench to sit down on.

            “Wait here, I am going to buy some ice cream.” Luke said pointing to a stand.  “You want vanilla?”

            Cerce smiled and nodded.  After five years of being apart, Luke still remembered small things like her favorite ice cream flavor.  She waited as Luke went up to the vender.

            “Two vanilla cones please,” he said after waiting three minutes on line.  When Luke turned around, he saw three guys hanging around Cerce.  They were clearly bothering her, but they didn’t seem to care.  Luke took a deep breath and walked over.

            He passed the guys, ignoring them completely, and handed Cerce her ice cream with a smile.

            “Thanks Luke,” Cerce said gratefully.

            “Hey what’s going on here?  Who is this kid?” one of the guys said in astonishment.

            “None of your business,” Luke said licking his ice cream.

            The guy looked taken aback.  He turned to Cerce.

            “Why are you hanging out with this loser?  We could show you a much better time than he could.”

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