"Nothing happened, I was just curious mom, well thanks I gotta go ahead and get groceries, so I'll call again later" Sapnap then said goodbye to his mother and then went to grab his shoes. *no wonder this place was so cheap..*he thought to himself.

At the grocery store>

Dream's POV

I was looking for bread in the pantry section until I dumped into someone accidentally. "Oh my bad!" I embarrassingly looked away, "oh no, it's alright sorry dude" the stranger says in front of me, I looked up to see an attractive guy. "Hey- I don't mean to seem creepy but are you new here?" I questioned. His face looked confused yet he didn't mind to say "yeah I am, do you live around here?" He says in sarcastic way, "yeah I do live around here, I just know everyone else but I haven't seen you before so I just, wanted to say welcome" I smiled at him. Raising my hand for a hand shake, he looked surprised by my sudden action but he shook my hand either way. "I'm sapnap and you are?" He says while smiling, "I'm dream, nice to meet you sapnap" I smiled back at him.

We both started to walk together and we then realized that we both lived right around the same place. "Woah I didn't expect for you to live in the same apartment as me, crazy right?" Sapnap looked at me, "yeah, I live on the 3rd floor, 314"  I say while pointing at my door. "No way! I live in 310!" I was surprised the we had so much in common!

"Well this is my stop, I guess I see you later Dream" Sapnap waved at me but before he left, I grabbed his hand, "here have my number, just in case if you miss me~" I say winking at him. I let go of his hand and gave him my number which I wrote in a piece of paper. "Bye sapnap, and take care!" I say while opening my door. *I guess I might have a good chance..* I smiled and walked inside.
"Bye dream!"

Sapnap POV

I can't believe I made a friend..*this wasn't what I expected but this is nice* my mouth became a smile.


"What the hell" My voice cracked in a whispered word. *This is bad* I thought to myself while walking back. I felt so uncomfortable, like the air was suffocating me in this room.


I turned around to see another pie? With a note that says "how could you be so cruel :(" I felt my hands shake uncontrollably, "what the hell.." I looked around, in the bathroom, kitchen, then my room was next.

*please don't let it be what I think..* I took a deep breathe and opened the door nob, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I looked through the windows, still nothing just empty.
"I seriously gotta stop drinking coffee.."

A few weeks later, I went to my daily life of going to school, I talked to dream about what happened in my apartment. he didn't believe me at first until he came in, and brought his cat with him, noticing how weirdly his cat was acting while scratching on to him. he told me, "she usually never does this *ow* but yeah, now I def- *ow* believe you"

We both have gotten quite close lately, and I started to forget about everything.

I called dream around 7:30 pm

"But those messages..started to become more and more worse. Firstly, the pie's that I haven't even tried..each time another pie showed up, I never took a bite out of it." I told dream, while eating a chip.
"Until now, only one time I got curious..I wish I never ate it.  the inside of it, was worse. "Who the hell puts flowers in a pie?"

"Haha honestly, you do definitely have a admire but a weird one at that." Dream wheezed. "Ha.ha.ha you're so funny" I sarcastically laughed, I turned around to hear a creaky sound coming from my room.









Dream- "Uh sap? Are you there?"

Sapnap- "Dream.."

Dream- "Is everything okay sap?"

Sapnap-"No not at all.."

Dream- "What's happening?"

Sapnap- "I heard a creak again"
"I don't think that I'll be able to come tomorrow"

Dream- "wait what?"

Sapnap- "1....2...3....4...5-"


Dream- "Sapnap, you're getting me sacred here.."

Sapnap- "Dream..it's in.."

Dream- "wha- what do you mean?"

Sapnap- "It's inside, shi-"

Dream- "Sapnap?"


Dream- "Sapnap!?"

Dream- "dude, I'm coming so hold on while you can!"

Sapnap- "please.."

Dream- "stay on the phone"

Dream's POV

*please don't die on me* I thought to myself, I felt so scared yet I couldn't breathe. the uncomfortable feeling came back. I ran to his apartment, I quickly turned the door knob. "It's locked..damnit"

Dream- "Sapnap the door is locked!"

Sapnap- "then get it to open!"

Dream- "I'm not that strong!"

"Damn it" I kicked the door open with my foot. of course...that didn't work-
*OH CMON! I thought this works on stories like these-*

"IM FROM TEXAS, YOU CANT KILL ME MAN" I heard sapnap shouting, even though the thick door. "YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG BITCH AHHHH!"

"Sapnap..the hell-" I wheezed but then I had to open the door again, I kicked the door again, again, and again. "OPEN THE DOOR!" My foot kicked that door out. "Sapnap..did you just smack his head with a frying pan?" I looked at the guy, dead cold on the floor. "Yeah, I really rapunzeled his ass, he was quite attractive though, not gonna lie"

"Sapnap what the fuck"

The end <3

YALL THOUGHT IS WAS GONN BE SCARY? I do comedy horror here, it's one of my favorite type of movies. But this is the 20th parts of this whole one shots!! ISNT THAT SO COOL!?

I honestly thought of ending it, like right when the last one shot (once we meet again), but like..nah I already wrote a lot just for me to throw it out. So IM NOT LEAVING 🎉👏

Well as long as y'all want, I'll be to entertain you and myself.

Words: 1767

One shots (karlnapity,dreamnap, etc)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя