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"Couldn't we just run away?" twelve-year-old Y/n asked. Togari, her only friend, rubbed circles on the girl's palm, "they would find us, you know that?"

The two friends stood shoulder to shoulder overlooking the inexplicable river running through the barren lands of Meteor City. The wind wisped through their hair, blowing strands towards the river, almost as if calling the two to an unknown place.

"You're the only one I'll ever love Togari." She rested her head on his shoulders, bringing herself closer to him, "I wanted to know my family, but you're the only family I need."

Togari smiles upon hearing her words and lays his head on hers. "You sound like you're saying your last words. You're the only family I need Y/n and I love you too. So, don't go leaving on me, okay?"

Y/n grabbed his hand in hers as they continued to look down the unending river. One day they would go beyond this barren land and find someplace they could call home. Together.

"I won't ever leave your side. I promise. Promise me as well," she smiles.

"I promise."

Silence envelopes the two kids as they watch the sun get lower to the horizon. Wouldn't it be amazing if this feeling lasted?

In the years that followed, the promise remained intact. Though separated at times, in their hearts they were always nearby.

Y/n was the first to be scouted. They put her to use as a drug runner. Not only was a child less suspicious, but they could be extorted for free labour.

It wasn't so much the job that Y/n hated, but the customers. Although she was allowed outside Meteor City and was able to see many new areas, she was harassed by the customers. They would try to scam her and at some points, they would try and steal the narcotics as well. Y/n always hated this because they got physical with her. Pulling her hair and throwing her around wasn't uncommon, but the people in charge didn't seem to care if she came back black and blue. The only means of defence she carried was a small black switchblade she found in the piles of scraps in Meteor City.

Togari on the other hand wasn't doing much better. He worked with smugglers to get narcotics across the borders. He got to travel further than Y/n did, and he liked seeing the world, but that's all he enjoyed. The cars always made him sick, and the long drives left him time to think of what Y/n could be doing at that time. Was she safe? Was she alive?

When the two did meet up, they would secretly pass notes to one another at the checkpoints. They planned their escape for a long while before the time to put it into action eventually came.

Their plan wasn't all too thought out. During the dark hours at the checkpoint, Togari was to steal the truck keys and wait in the truck for Y/n, while Y/n was to sneak away prior to a deal and meet up with him. Getting out of the checkpoint wasn't the problem. The problem was that neither of them knew how to drive. Because Togari had studied by watching the truck drivers while attempting to pass the time, he'd be the best suited for the job. They were scared, and the probability that they'd die by Togari's reckless driving was largely higher than them seeing a star in the sky at this point.

But it worked, they were able to run away, away to the place where the river seemed to call them, to Yorknew. But their troubles seemed to follow them.

It wasn't long before they were once again wrapped into crime syndicates. Togari continued to smuggle to earn a living for the both of them, while Y/n accidentally got mixed up in the Zoldyck Family crime syndicate.

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