"Welcome my lords and ladies! The next round is...Clarisse and Pollux!" Chiron left to watch with the others.

They came out and started to spar. Every time Pollux got the upper hand Clarisse stopped him by parring the movement. After about 17 minutes Clarisse won.

"Good job guys, and Clarisse thank you for not sending him to the infirmary...again" Chiron said, as Clarisse went to stand with the others and Pollux sat down next to his brother.

"Next round is...Thalia and Frank." Chiron said then walked off.

The match started and it got pretty violent, pretty fast. It took about 2 minutes until one got cut. About 8 minutes in Thalia finally got his sword from him.

"Next round is Percy and Katie." Chiron said then left to sit down.

Percy got out Riptide and Katie got out her sword. They started the match pretty quickly, Percy swung his sword to try and trip her. Katie jumped up and swung her sword. He dodged it and pushed his sword towards her to try and catch her off balance.

"Really?" She asked laughing.

He shrugged "Sure." He blocked a blow at his chest.

She shook her head then pounced forwards trying to cut him. He side stepped, so she landed on her knees. Percy swung his sword again this time cutting Katie's arm. She looked at him her eyes going bright green. Vines and other various plants started to wrap around his legs, he cut them as they came towards him but that made them grow faster.

Percy noted to himself, 'Never piss off a child of Demeter.' He looked up to see Katie charging at him. Percy got his arms at the ready, he lifted his sword and countered her attack.

He disarmed Katie before taking her sword.

"Can you undo these please?" He asked pointing to the vines halfway up his legs.

She nodded laughing. Chiron came out with a fond smile on his lips.

"The next round will be Piper and Jason, but before that we will be taking a fifteen minute break."

Everyone got up and headed to the bathrooms or the dining pavilion to get snacks and/or drinks.

Once everyone was back and ready to start again, Jason and Piper came out with their weapons. Jason took to the air, and Piper had her dagger out at the ready. Jason charged at Piper as he swung his sword. Piper tried to swing the dagger and tried to make a hit. Jason took advantage of this, and made an attempt to disarm her. After the dagger hit the ground Jason landed, putting his sword to her throat.

Chiron came out and nodded at the two. Jason went to stand next to his sister while Piper sat down next to Annabeth.

"Next round is Clarisse and Percy. Now I would like Annabeth and Chris to sit somewhere where they can get to these two quickly." The two nodded and got up and went to the front step near the floor.

Clarisse and Percy came out, "You ready for a beating, Prissy?" She snarled.

"You wish." He shot back.

Clarisse drew her sword and Percy uncapped his.

"Leave parent rivals, past fights, and grudges out of this please!" Annabeth and Chris yelled at the two.

They nodded and started to spar, Percy blocked most of the blows that Clarisse served him, but the ones aimed for his arm, leg, and cheek, as they were all bleeding. Clarisse's cheek, arm, leg, and hand were also all bleeding. The match lasted a good 20 minutes before he was able to disarm her.

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