Chapter 27

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(Say Something By A Great Big World And Christina Aguilera)

Wilbur's Pov

I laced back and forth around the waiting room as everyone sat in chairs and on the floor. My heart was fucking shattered into a million pieces.

This is another example of how quickly life can change. I felt so ruined, and alone.

"I knew something was wrong when she didn't show up at her normal time. I knew that something was so fucking wrong, and how right I was."

"Family of Max Jareds?" A doctor came out from the back, and Dylan jumped up.

"You can come back and see him."

We all followed the doctor knowing that none of us wanted to sit in that waiting room any longer. We stopped outside of a room and the doctor stood in front of the door.

"I'm going to tell you about his injuries now, then you can go in."

Dylan nodded and my mother grabbed my hand, giving it a squeeze as I closed my eyes hoping that I would wake up from this nightmare.

"He has a Broken left wrist, broken growth plate in his wrist. Broken nose, he had to get 3 stitches on his eyebrow, and sprained right foot."

My hands shook as the doctor briefed us. Once he was finished we walked into his room. None of us talked, we didn't want to scare him. He looked around the room and he let out a breath of relief when he saw all of us.

"Eyebrow stitches does you wonders!" Liana said, making him laugh.

"Shut up." He mumbled as he looked at the girl.

He looked at her the way that I looked at Daytona. It was only a matter of time before they got together.
I took off my coat and sat it on a chair before sitting in it.

I held my head down and ran my fingers through my hair. Liana sat on the end of his bed, Ryder and Ember spilt the couch in the corner. Phil sat next to me, my parents stood next to Dylan and were talking to him.

I wanted to do nothing more than go home with Max and Daytona.

"Daytona Jareds?" A different doctor walked into the room with Max's doctor.

My head shot up quickly and I was ready to hear that she was doing oka-

"She lost a lot of blood. She hit her head pretty hard, her left arm was broken, probably from-"

"She held that arm in front of me." Max whispered and his face turned pale.

"There was a lot of glass embedded in her arm, she has quite a lot of stitches there. She's bruised up badly, and has a lot of cuts littering her hands. She could be paralyzed if she wakes up."

I stared at the doctor. I was the only one that caught that.

"What do you mean if?!" I raised my voice slightly and Phill put his hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down.

"We have no idea if she's going to wake up, or not. It could be hours, days, weeks, years, or never. I'm sorry..."

"You don't get to say that your fucking-"

"Will!" Phil pulled my shoulder back as I stood up.

"Where is she?"

"Three rooms over to the left."

I left that room quicker than I have ever left something in my entire life, my heart beated quicker with every step. Phil was trying to talk to me and I was ignoring him. I opened the door and stared at her.

Her body laid there lifeless, and I felt like I was going to pass out. I sat down in the chair next to her and held her hand before laying my head on the bed and finally letting myself cry.

Phil ended up leaving the room to give me time. I needed to be alone.

"Jareds-" I couldn't even speak.

A hard sob wracked my body as I couldn't keep quiet. I could care less if the entire fucking hospital could hear me cry.

"God what has life done to us." I mumbled as I kissed her hand.

Her normal warmth was gone and she was cold. Her skin was pale. Her cheeks weren't pink as they usually were.

"I never got to tell you how much I loved you." I spoke harshly, as I mentally cursed at the world.

"I'll love you until all the stars in the universe burn out." I sobbed harder as my cries were now muffled by my hand.

"God what I would give for you to tell me that I have nice hair, or to just run your fingers through my hair again."

I took a deep breath and tapped the back of her hand three times.

"I do that because it's my way of telling you I love you. Three taps, I love you. That's what it means."

"She was only being kept alive by machines, which I know isn't true. She was somewhat still alive, but I've slowly been losing hope. And that's why I hate November 7th. Because that's the day I lost the love of my life, and that's the day I lost myself too."

872 Words

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