Chapter 7

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(Only Angel By Harry Styles)

Daytona's Pov

"Daytona!" My dad shouted as I ran down the steps.

"I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying!" I met him at the front door, Max was already in the car.

He locked up the house as I got into the passenger's seat.

"We are gonna be late because of you." Max said jokingly as I threw a paper ball back and hit him right in the face.

My dad then got into the car and started driving. It wasn't that far but I needed to be there early to check everything and warm up.

"Shut up Max." I said turning around to face him. He then rolled his eyes and flipped me off.

"Dad!" I gasped dramatically as he then rolled his eyes. 

Max and I looked at each other and broke out laughing.

"I hate how much traffic there is, we definitely aren't in Greece anymore!" Max shouted, rolling the window down.

"When do you think we'll go back there?" Max asked Dad.

I sat quietly knowing the answer. We wouldn't be. The only reason we stayed out there was Mom. We didn't have any family there, but Mom lived there.

She had a business, and once she died things disappeared. Our grandparents didn't like our dad, so they were not in our lives. When we moved to Brighton we were met with almost everyone in our Dad's family.

It was a nice change for once. Obviously not everyone because some of our family lives in America, but it was still a change. Having people around that cared about you besides your immediate family, it was a breath of fresh air.

I also feel like I fit in here, Max on the other hand, he wants to go back. I just think that's because he's scared of change.

A 15 year old boy, just lost his mother, just broke up with his girlfriend, lost all of his friends. He thinks everything is against him.

"Sometimes life is difficult, but it's your decision on whether you get up and fight back, making life your bitch. Or you let life run all over you. That's something she used to say all the time... I remember I was drunk on stream once and I said something along the lines of that, I cried. I broke down crying afterwards..."

I never wanted him to feel like this, but there was no way I could stop it. Of course, I could be an amazing older sister and help him through it, but he has to want to push through it.

I'm trying in every way possible, sometimes I feel like I need help myself, but I would do anything for them.

"Not for a while..." Dad trailed off before pulling the car into the parking lot.

We were all racers. Dad, he doesn't do it as much anymore. Now he coaches. Max likes it, but as a hobby, he doesn't want his entire life revolving around it. Which is understandable. He's more into... Cooking and that field. Which I think is great and fits him very well.

"We are here children!"

"Who are you calling a child- you know, I am almost an adult."

"But you're not yet, so when you're eighteen, then you can come and tell me to stop calling you a child."

"But dad!"

"Either way, you're still my child."

"Don't turn him sappy Daytona.."

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