Chapter 9

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(Drops Of Jupiter (Tell Me) By Train)

Wilbur's Pov

"Mum?" I called out in the quiet flat.

My father wasn't home, I knew that. He had a very big meeting today. But I had no idea if my mother decided to stay home.

I didn't have college today, I only have it three times a week. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. I'm starting to wish that I had it more though, because I want to see Daytona more.

"I'm in the kitchen darling!" She answered.

I released a breath and walked to the kitchen. She was making food, I don't know what, but it smelled good.

"I want to talk to you about something..." I trailed off, thinking of ways that i can get m mothers advice without her feeling upset i didn't talk to her sooner.

But knowing her, she would understand.

She stopped what she was doing and turned around with a smile on her face.

"What's up, Will?" She spoke, in a soft tone, seeing the stress on my face.

She held a knowing smile.
Which led me to believe she had an idea of what was going on.

"I just- I don't exactly know how to say it."

"Just rip the band aid off."

"How did you know when you were in love with Dad?"

Her face changed, which told me that she had no idea that this was coming. I thought she did, which made me even more nervous.

"It was like nothing else in the world mattered. As long as I was with him, I didn't need anything- or anyone else. My parents didn't like him at first, but his family loved me. So until my parents learned that he wasn't going anywhere, I spent every holiday with him and his family. God, Will, those were great times. Now I feel like all we ever do is work."

"Putting this blunt, you do."

She laughed, causing her face to scrunch up.

"Why are you asking me this?"

Then came the question I knew she was going to ask.

"I met a girl, and god, I've never clicked with someone so fast. Mum, she's amazing. One day- soon- You'll have to meet her. She's like- our souls just fit, you know? I want you to meet her, maybe you can give me more advice when you meet her." I rambled on.

One thing that I could never get down was my thoughts. I always rambled because I had so many thoughts and things to say, but I couldn't say it quickly enough.

"I've never seen you so in love before darling, I like her, and i don't even need to meet her to tell you that." She said, a smile evident on her face.

"It wasn't exactly love at first sight, but at the same time, it was. She ran into me, and then told me my hair was nice- Ever since then, I've just been getting more and more drawn in. I don't want to fight it, I'm letting it happen, I'm letting myself fall for her. And I'm not scared, I'm not nervous."

I took a second to catch my breath as my mother stood there with a smile on her face. A huge proud smile.

"It's like what you said. Nothing matters when I'm with her."

"Tell me about her." She then sat down on a barstool on the other side of the island.

"She has black hair, blue eyes. She's Greek. Around 5'10-"

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