Chapter 23

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(Wonderful Tonight By Eric Clapton)

Wilbur's Pov

She hummed as she wandered around my room, taking everything in. I can't believe that this is the first time she's here. She picked up one of my guitars and sat on the bed next to me.

"Can you play something?" She asked before handing it to me.

I laughed as I grabbed a guitar pick from my nightstand drawer, and watched her hug a pillow from my bed, watching me.

"Choose a song, my love."

"You're putting me on the spot."

"Okay, a song that you dream about having a good memory too."

"Wonderful Tonight By Eric Clapton." She said quickly and I laughed.

"Hey! I know that song too!" Skylar said with a smile on her face.

My mother is a big Eric Clapton fan, so she's lucky I knew this song. I started strumming away as she laid on her back, facing me, holding the pillow in her arms still.

"it's late in the evening
She's wondering what clothes to wear
She puts on her makeup
And brushes her long blonde hair"

Her eyes lit up as started singing and she smiled. The biggest smile I have ever seen on her face.

"And then she asks me, "Do I look alright?"
And I say, "Yes, you look wonderful tonight""

I have no idea why this song was so important to her, but the fact that it was and she was sitting here listening to me, made my heart melt. I've never met one person that will listen to me play music. Datyona was the first person that listened.

"We go to a party
And everyone turns to see
This beautiful lady
That's walking around with me

And then she asks me, "Do you feel alright?"
And I say, "Yes, I feel wonderful tonight""

Tears started to fall from her eyes and she laid her head on my shoulder as I continued. I felt tears of my own hit my eyes, as I saw how happy she was at this moment.

"I feel wonderful
Because I see the love light in your eyes
And the wonder of it all
Is that you just don't realize how much I love you

It's time to go home now
And I've got an aching head
So I give her the car keys
She helps me to bed

And then I tell her, as I turn out the light
I say, "My darling, you are wonderful tonight"
Oh my darling, you are wonderful tonight"

The silence took over us as I finished singing the song. I could hear her small breaths, and I could feel her hands look for mine once I laid the guitar against my bed.

I laid back and held her as she cried into my chest.

"Do you want to know why I'm crying right now?" She said, picking up her head and looking at me.

Her chin was laying on my chest and we were face to face. I smiled and nodded.

"Only if you're comfortable."

"My mom and I loved that song. And I'm going to get married to that song. Like, my first dance is going to be that song. I don't care, I will put up a fight for it." She rambled on and I smiled as she did.

"You won't have to put up a fight, my mother loves that song, so do i." I spoke out, causing her sad smile to turn into a happy smile.

God, Daytona Jareds, I am so in love with you.

I tapped the back of her hand three times and she ran her fingers through my hair. We didn't need to be talking to know what each other was thinking. We were both thinking about the future right now.

We both knew that we wanted a future with each other. My future now was not only streaming, and making music, but I thought I would be able to spend my future with the love of my life.

I could hear her short breaths turn to larger ones and her hands became slower in my hair. She soon fell asleep. I got up making sure not to wake her up, and covered her in a blanket.

I grabbed a water from the kitchen and put it next to her, and laid next to her. I took off her necklace and laid it on my bedside and took off her two rings that she had on. She hated sleeping with jewelry on, and I have no idea why.

She moved back next to me and I moved her hair out of her face as I laid back.

"One day soon my love, i'll be able to tell you to your face, how much i love you." The peaceful sleep smile that she normally has was on her face and she was in a deep sleep. I know that now. I've never seen her so comfortable, and so relaxed.

"I think I loved you the first time I saw you. I just didn't want to admit it to myself."

"Admitting to myself that I was so in love with her, knowing that she couldn't hear me. It made me feel better. Nobody was around, nobody could hear, I was left alone with my thoughts. And I liked that. I liked being able to express myself and know that no one was listening."

"I don't think I know that I loved you the first time I saw you."

I paused as a smile fell onto my face.

"It's crazy how one person can change your entire perspective on love. And if you miss me, I never want you to hesitate to talk to me. I'm always willing to start a new chapter in my life, as long as it's with you. God Jareds, you're my favorite. My favorite pair of eyes to get lost in, my favorite name to appear on my phone, my favorite face to see at work, my favorite person to see at school, and my favorite person to talk to."

At times when I talked to her while she was asleep I felt crazy. But this was one of those times I felt like I needed to. I needed to say these things to her, even if she was asleep, she was still hearing it.

"Technically she wasn't, but I like telling myself that she was..."

"Nobody has ever touched my heart the way you have and nobody has made me smile and laugh the way you have. You constantly bring out the best side of me, and show me my worth. I always knew it was going to be you. And I have no regrets about it being you. I want nobody but you, Daytona Jareds. I want nobody else to hug, kiss, cuddle, sleep next to, cook with, dance around kitchens together, dance in the snow, lay in the rain, and so much more. All of these memories with you are memories I will cherish forever. I'm never going to forget about them. I'm never going to forget about you. The woman I fell so helplessly in love with that changed my life, for the better. All because of that first moment, deep in my heart, I knew that I loved you."

"As of right now, the story of her life in only told through her dad, Max, Ember, Ryder, my parents, me, and the pictures that were left behind. I go through that fucking photo album every fucking day. So many times a day. There is not a single day where I don't look at it."

I slowly moved the hair that fell in her face, behind her ear before kissing her forehead and bringing her closer to me. I wrapped my arms around her and closed my eyes.

This is what life was supposed to be like. Everything about this. The moment, the feeling, the person. Everyone in some way shape or form, should be able to experience this.

Because it's the best damn thing ever.

1343 Words

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