Chapter 10

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(Perfect By One Direction)

Wilbur's Pov

"Will!" She screamed as she tackled me the second I stepped out of the diner.

I held her up, making sure neither of us fell.

"Someones happy to see me." I said, a smile held on my face as she hugged me.

"Who wouldn't be?"

My face was heated up now, I knew for a fact. She then grabbed my hand and waited for me to take the lead.

"Where exactly are we going?"

"To rent bikes for an hour or two." I smiled down at her as we started walking.

"It's been a while since I've rode a bike. What if I fall?" She laughed, pretending to fall.

I grabbed her arm and stood her up straight. Her face inches away from mine, and I could feel her breath on mine.

"Then I'll catch you. Just like I did right now." I spoke softly.

Neither of us dared to move, we stayed standing there. Her hand grabbed onto my jacket, my one hand on her lower back, the other on her cheek.

I felt myself slowly leaning in, and she was too. Her eyes went to my lips and back to my eyes. So I kissed her. I dropped every other thought I had at that moment, and I kissed the girl that has taken over my life in the past week.

"It was something out of a movie. A literal movie. Nobody can ever describe the feeling that I felt when I kissed her that night. I can't even think about it and get a straight answer! Every time I do, I get the same feeling in my stomach."

Once we rented the bikes, she mounted it and went to pick both of her legs up right away.

"It's not a motorcycle, love. You can't do that till you start moving." I said, holding her up.

"But it should be just like that-"

"You do know how to ride a bike, correct?" I asked her as a sheepish grin came across her face.

"Well, it's been a couple years..." She trailed off as I rolled my eyes.

She got the hang of it pretty quickly after I went through the instructions. Seemingly she was doing a good job, though she kept trying to take her hands off the bars.

"This is amazing." She laughed, air escaping her.

Her hair was blowing in the wind and I could see the raw emotion on her face. I could see all of her stresses lift off of her shoulders. Even if it's just for an hour, I like to think I had a part in it.

She held a smile on her face, one that I didn't recognize. It was something new to me, something that made me want to be the only person that receives that smile.

"Bad analogy, but she looked at me the way she looked at motorcycles."

I didn't want to leave her presence, so we walked back to her flat slowly. Despite all of her protests saying that she wanted to walk me home, in the end I won.

So now we walked hand in hand down the street. She sings random song lyrics at times, saying random things, shouting random things, waving at people driving by.

This was the most herself I have seen her I think. Besides the day she picked me up from work on her motorcycle.

We stopped outside of her house and I wrapped my arms around her. She laid her head on the normal spot on my chest. When she pulled away, she then ran her fingers through my hair with a childish smile on her face.

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